Large leaf plant ID needed

sprinter51, Jan 3, 8:56pm

I am hoping someone out there knows the name of this plant
and am I correct in that it has frag leaves ?

maclad, Jan 3, 9:00pm
It would appear to be a Philodendron but do not know which one.

sprinter51, Jan 3, 9:08pm
Its a place to start from :-)

maclad, Jan 3, 9:10pm
could also be an Alocasia, Probably more likely

davidt4, Jan 3, 9:14pm
Looks like Alocasia sanderiana . They grow all over the place in Auckland.

sprinter51, Jan 3, 9:17pm
For years I wondered where the smell in the garden was coming from
I dont normally go around sniffing dem plants

wheelz, Jan 3, 9:21pm
Alocasia sanderiana has white veins in its leaves.
More likely Alocasia macrorrhizos.

trade4us2, Jan 3, 9:23pm
Elephant's Ear plant. I have lots of them.

silvertiger7, Jan 17, 11:16pm
Alocasia brisbanensis, also known as Elephant's ears or Alocasia macrorrhiza or Alocasia indica, has very fragrant green flowers and is often seen in NZ. I don't think the foliage is fragrant but the flowers can be hard to spot amongst those huge leaves. It can take over in damp areas where no stock graze and as seeds grow easily, it's probably a good idea to dead-head after flowering.