Lessons learned the hard way.

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hmck, Jan 21, 1:41pm
Bump - because it took me ages to find it and I thought it had been deleted.I am so happy to read this and find I'm not the only person who does really drippy, stupid things just becuase I didn't stop to think first!The worst thing is I'm very intelligent (well - so I'm told! I wonder sometimes)and my family and friends love my boo-boos even more then normal and never fail to remind me!

kuaka, Jan 21, 8:58pm
oh no, this has slipped to the second page. Don't let this thread die, it's too good.

hound31, Jan 21, 9:29pm
Haha! Love this thread!

jenniferb1, Jan 22, 5:15am
Don't get your father to help with the gardening by using the grubber under an open window.twice! Or you might end up with identical rectangle-shaped holes - two of them!

makerealbany, Jan 22, 5:29am
Leak in the roof When you are told there is a little leak in the roof, fix it and then test it. Before you put up a new gibboard ceiling and have it painted nicely, etc to find out a few weeks later after the usual winter downpour that Lo and Behold there is a bit of sagging going on. Then you will not have to repair the new ceiling, repaint it and then climb on the ruddy roof again and fix the job the way you should have down in the first place, Lol.

makerealbany, Jan 22, 5:41am
When you employ someone Make sure they are qualified to do the job. Also make sure they will be doing the job themselves instead of employing someone else to do it. For example. Hired a firm to lift the corner of the garage to level it. Dropped over years. Yes He is a registered Builder will start Monday. Monday morning. Guy arrives. I watch him for awhile and think to myself what the hell is he doing! A comes home from work. I ask her if this is the guy her Partner hired. Nope never met him. He tells us he was hired from a Labour firm, has not met the boss just told to start work here. So off course S rang the Builder and told him not to send the guy back. The contract was null and void and we were not paying for the day. It was an eyeopener.

pico42, Jan 22, 5:42pm
When removing a brick chimney from an old fireplace and the standing room is tight, the kids are great for doing the work instead. Just be aware that every five minutes as they are tapping the individual bricks off, they will intentionally drop the hammer down the chimney, giggle uncontrollably, then sing out "Dad I dropped the hammer" and you will have retrieve the hammer, climb into the ceiling, crawl to the side and give the hammer back. Um, sorry about that Dad, but we had lots of fun and you did get the chimney removed.

pico42, Jan 22, 5:46pm
Also, don't reverse wire a three pin plug Y'know, where you have a male end to go into the socket and then another male end to sit on the floor, live with exposed pins and all, ready to connect to the funny appliance that has a female end on its lead. Apparently it sat there live for several months.

pico42, Jan 22, 5:48pm
While chainsaw chains can be fitted both ways, they only cut one way.

cranto, Jan 22, 7:00pm
OT - but there is a reason you add the flavour to the sodastream water AFTER you have carbonated it!

tizme, Jan 22, 8:29pm
After falling from the shed roof with a pail of red roof paint, it is a relief to see that although your back feels broken and you can hardly draw breath, the bucket remained upright - unlike the morning's toast that lands butter side down.
It is fatal however to stagger off inside looking for sympathy without clipping the lid on the pail.
White muscovys seem strangely attracted to watery red acrylic paint on summer days.
It is a fact that red acrylic takes twice as long to hose off white muscovies than it does to get it out of a hardened paintbrush!

tizme, Jan 22, 8:32pm
ladders do not make good props. It is very hard to remove them without destroying the new work or taking a hacksaw to the top rung.

makerealbany, Jan 22, 11:07pm
This is a really cool thread It is wonderful to know your family is just as crazy as everyone else's.

angelay, Jan 23, 12:06am
when it's been a wet week with plenty of storms and you hear 'drip, drip, drip' in the bathroom and there's water in the middle of the floor, don't assume the 'drip' is outside and that the water is from the messy kids playing around again.Look up.And don't assume that funny shading on the ceiling is the light suddenly casting a weird shadow.And don't poke really hard at said ceiling.Your finger WILL go though, because the ceiling is waterlogged from two weeks of solid rain, and is not dripping down through the light fitting. and why!Because the roof tiles you asked hubby to look at last summer, weren't.

ry5, Jan 23, 3:54am
When inserted 'pop' rivets into a car bumper, make sure your hand is not on the other side of said bumper in the vicinty of where the rivet is aimed.

maryteatowel1, Jan 23, 5:09am
A normal vecuume cleaner is not for sucking up the cats water.thanks master 6.

ruddy72, Jan 23, 7:00pm
Just have to laugh now, didn't at the time. When stopped in the middle of the wat wats, with no one around, and your car needs oil, DO NOT spill it on the hot engine as it will burst into flames.

kuaka, Jan 24, 2:37am
And when you have finally sold your house and you are in the middle of moving, DON'T on any account leave your purse in your handbag, hidden under two spare jerseys tucked behind the arm of the lounge suite.Instead keep your money in a "bum-bag" or lock your handbag in your vehicle.That way, while you are busy vacuuming the carpet in the bedroom ready for the new owner, you won't have some scumbag thief helping themselves to all your spare cash ($350 in nice crispy $50 bills) from in your wallet which you will find open on the lounge floor in a jiffy.Nobody will know anything about it, and your ferry fare, your diesel money and your overnight accommodation money will have disappeared in a flash.Lucky for you they left your cashflow card and credit card.Probably the thief thought that because it was in 50's we were rich - WRONG!

tizme, Jan 24, 8:58pm
Dont not slash blackberry along the fenceline where the alkathene pipeline goes.
Weed spray however,does not cut plastic pipe.

tizme, Jan 24, 9:02pm
Toddlers are shocking . when they grab the electric fence as you stroll past hand in hand.

camino, Jan 24, 10:13pm
When roofing never start before the morning dew has dried. My husband almost gave a passer by a heart attack as he watched him slowly slide down the roof, over the side and hang from the guttering!

redden39, Jan 24, 11:48pm
The last two posts nearly had me spitting wine on my screen.

redden39, Jan 24, 11:54pm
If you buy an Art Deco home (often called stucco in areas other than Hawkes Bay), do not assume that the pitched roof is the only one up there.Your building inspector may be too tubby to get into the ceiling and inform you that there is a flat, bitument roof under the pitched one too that some lazy sods decided not to remove before putting the new one on top.You will find out this is what you have when heavy rain reveals serious roof leaks.You will spend $1500 getting the roofing guys back three times to replace 9 sheets of iron when one or two would have done the job (and cost far less in labour and call outs) if instead of replacing where the leak came in (the lounge, ripping out the newly wired light fitting), but was actually the bedroom at least two rooms down.

redden39, Jan 24, 11:56pm
Another piece of advice when buying a stucco or Art Deco home: if there is any chance of the old flat roof being there somewhere, for goodness sake, get an electrical inspection.Not only will you be up for the cost of rewiring if there is the old rubber coated stuff there, but the flat roof may have to be removed to remove the old wiring and install the new, adding at least 9 hours to the job and heaps of extra cost.This did not happen to me but it could have.

redden39, Jan 25, 12:02am
Never assume that your lovely textured, platered celings are in fact plaster applied directly to the stuff that is the ceiling.You may find that someone applied anaglypta or something similar.If there are any cuts or deterioration in the surface, you can be guaranteed to find them after using a wallpaper steamer.The ceiling will bulge downwards and you will be left with huge dilemma.My advice: paint the ceilings first with good wall paint not the chalky ceiling paint that will not seal it.