Lessons learned the hard way.

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tizme, Jan 25, 12:16am
a 7ft deer fence is no handicap to a five foot nothing woman when 3 six foot high jersey bulls suddenly make advances around the side of a hill.

temco1, Jan 25, 12:19am
When you paint your bathroom. take note of the instructions on the paint tin that advise you not to use the bath or shower for five days.Or you will be painting again within two years.Dammit.Also, don't listen to husbands who say the bedroom and wardrobe doors don't need sanding before they are repainted . the kids scratch very bad messages into the peely paint when they are mad!

temco1, Jan 25, 12:22am
When using a sledge hammer to bring an old chimney down check first for the situation of any hanging light fittings before swinging.

kuaka, Jan 25, 4:47pm
lpas - I hope you claimed on your insurance! .

tizme, Jan 25, 5:04pm
Bill bred goldfish in troughs he built in the backyard from 8x2 boards, lined with black plastic.
The neighbours cat was spotted on several occasions "fishing" for his supper. Bill sneaked out and threw a small stick at the cat one day as it was perched on the end of a trough.
It took fright, leapt forward only to land head first in the water.
He says it was so funny seeing this 'ripple' moving down the trough until it exploded out and away over the fence.
He went back inside laughing his head off, until he spotted the water level dropping.
The reason the cat moved so quick under water was because it clawed its way along the trough!

tizme, Jan 25, 5:07pm
rolls of Sleek sticky tape work well at sealing leaks underwater in plastic liners.
Not only goldfish troughs but para pool liners that kids toenails cut.

pc_nut, Jan 26, 1:45am
i think where due for a bump

masturbidder, Jan 26, 2:47am
In a new building fitted with fire sprinklers. .do not allow a painter to carry in a ladder for final paint touch-up. Knocking off a sprinkler head releases an unbelievable amount of water on hand-over day!

hmck, Jan 26, 6:31pm
When your father was a builder and bought you up to do things properly - don't assume he taught the other kids the same.I had my sister help me at the weekend to hang a door - I held the door, she screwed the screws in - all of them were on different angles.Not a straight one in the lot.

mim5, Jan 28, 1:52am
Bump. .

emeargg, Jan 28, 2:04am
digging out a tree stump When digging out a tree stump, wash the dirt of the stump with a waterblaster. You will then see which roots you need to cut and it softens up the soil too. Wear old clothes because you'll get sprayed with mud.

emeargg, Jan 28, 2:08am
painting a tin roof When painting a tin roof knock off early in the afternoon otherwise your paint will just slip into the gutter overnight.

redden39, Jan 28, 2:25am
Keep old towels, sheets, grotty undies and clothes that need repairs that you will never get around to repairing.You can guarantee that you will get paint or other grot on you no matter how careful you think you are being.Do not think that while you are dressed and ready to go out that it is really good idea to squeeze in that wee bit of painting before you go, especially if you've had a couple of drinkies to save a few dollars later.Just like the Welcome Home Loan ad, someone will lean against the wet paint.Old undies are useful as no doubt, you'll need to pee when you have paint or whatever all over your hands.

tizme, Jan 28, 2:37am
Dandelion wine is vile tasting when the kids "help out" by picking hawkweed flowers by mistake and you dont notice them.

nzfinest1, Jan 28, 2:49am
If the windscreen wiper arm. on your car needs replacing, don't be tempted to use a claw hammer to lever it away from the windscreen. The cost of the $400 windscreen lessens the satisfaction having changed the wiper arm without having to pay someone!

kuaka, Jan 28, 3:31am
omg - I can just imagine! Bu@@er!

yduj, Jan 28, 3:35am
I'm coming back to check this thread - what a laugh - I've just read them all and can imagine some of these DIY disasters . . . . L O L

redden39, Jan 28, 3:49am
Imagine it, yduj! Hell, we've done it!

tizme, Jan 28, 5:49am
A friend had an old bike that he rode to work. The ancient front tire eventual wore through so he tied a rag around it to protect the tube.
Another workmate borrowed it one morning to go down the road to get some smoko but came back with a very sore head. Seems he slammed on the brakes and flipped right over the handlebars as the rag got caught in the calipers.
Seems the owner only ever used the back-pedal brakes !
A week or two later nobody could believe that someone actually pinched that bike in broad daylight.

gyrogearloose, Jan 28, 3:21pm
When you're a young lad hired by some surfies to mow the waist high lawn surrounding their farmhouse, insist that they first locate and make safe the 100 metre power extension cable lying on the ground between the house and the surfboard factory down the hill.

pico42, Jan 28, 9:05pm
When you notice that the water overflow pipe is dribbling out the top, don't ignore it. In winter, the water will freeze and continue to do so until quite a think layer has built up over the roofing iron. Then when you leave the outside light on, it melts the underside and the water, with nowhere else to go, will go back up under the iron and leak through the roof through the washhouse ceiling. This will happen late at night and the only way to stop it is to get on the roof and smash the ice. This is difficult to do quietly and the neighbours do not like being woken at that timne of night.

kuaka, Jan 29, 2:08am
If there is any chance that you could slip getting into a dinghy, and in the process end up sitting in water up to your waist, it is best not to have your cell phone in your pocket, and your digital camera which you've only had 10 days in the other pocket.When I put in the insurance claim the lady asked where there any witnesses apart from my husband and I said "I hope not" - I felt such a fool, middle of winter too - not very good walking ashore and going home dripping in freezing cold sea water.

peacebird15, Jan 29, 4:24am
btw Dont mix trees, chainsaws and ladders together. The resulting injuries can be life changing (or ending)

Dont use a chainsaw unless you have learned from someone who REALLY knows how to operate one as bad and perhaps crippling habits are often the most common thing passed on.

fastduck, Jan 29, 5:44am
don't when its your first time up the mountain park your car and do as everyone else around you seems to be doing pull the wipers away from the windscreen and leave sticking up. Far better to dig them out under 3 metres of snow than to snap the drivers side wiper when you attempt to put them down against the windscreen again when you arrive back from your frolic up the mountainside(highly entertaining for me the wife though hahahahah)the look on hubby's face classic!

fastduck, Jan 29, 5:45am
snapped clean of in his hand! hilarious