Lessons learned the hard way.

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jules., Jan 1, 6:23pm
bump. too funny to lose! keep them coming!

pico42, Jan 1, 8:39pm
When shifting a wooden dinghy to make space for some sleepers you have just bought, remember that the dinghy is bloody heavy and it will swing around and fall over - onto one of the sleepers - putting a hole in it.

rorykb1, Jan 2, 1:39am
wipe ripcord on to ceilings with a sponge mop, you tend to get less dripping on to the floors and tables than if it is sprayed on and your wife will be much happier.

alan581, Jan 2, 2:30am
Always Label Food Put into the Freezer! When we were away in Australia, my daughter was looking after the house and our two home stay daughters. She decided to make lasagne one night for all of them. Anyway, upon our return, I was looking in the freezer and couldn't figure out where the cat food I put in there had gone. I asked my daughter, and to her horror she relieved she had made her lasagne with frozen cat food, not mince, due to the lack off names on the bags. Apparantly it looked like mince, but tasted a bit chewier. What made it even more funny was that both off the home stays had eaten it for dinner, and taken it for lunch the next day to share with their friends! They all managed to have a good laugh about it so that's good. My daughter will never live that one down! Note to self, label all items put in freezer!

kath6, Jan 2, 3:59am
Don't let hubby, who faints at the sight of his own blood, up a tree to cut branches with an axe.I've never seen him move so fast down the tree after pulling axe out of his knee, nor go that shade of grey before.And dont ever give said hubby a chainsaw and let him loose in your beautifully private garden without close supervision.It will be more than three years before the trees have grown enough to block the neighbours view again.

hmck, Jan 4, 5:50pm
Happy birthday to this thread, Happy birthday to this thread,
Happy birthday to this thread.

Aren't you all glad you don't have to hear me sing it!

macfox52, Jan 4, 9:36pm
Pink batts are not candy floss.!

macfox52, Jan 4, 9:42pm
Toilet bowls dont like hammers!

macfox52, Jan 4, 9:49pm
Cutting the cord on an electric lawn mower does not get you out oh mowing the lawns. Doing it twice gets a crack around the a$$ and you still have to mow the lawns!

macfox52, Jan 4, 9:51pm
Just a couple of dumb things I did as a kid. There will b more but baby wants a feed lol.

macfox52, Jan 4, 9:51pm
700 cause I can.

rhos1, Dec 22, 1:20am
Bumping for the holiday season!

masturbidder, Dec 22, 2:40am
If the drawing does not say what the units are, better ask before you make the item. There is a big difference between inches and mm!

gyrogearloose, Dec 23, 12:29am
The Boundary Fence - Part 1 If your neighbour leans their ladder against your common boundary fence, do not assume that they intend to trim their adjacent tree which leans on and trespasses across the boundary fence, or that they intend to make any repairs or perform any maintenance on the 60??

gyrogearloose, Dec 23, 12:30am
The Boundary Fence - Part 2 When he says that he will take the invoice and discuss it with his wife, do not assume that the second part of that statement is true. Do not assume that the action lies with the neighbour to return with any update within 5 years. When you post a letter demanding payment within 21 days, do not assume that the wife will bring a cheque when she visits the following day, since it is unreasonable to expect her to know about the damage caused by their ladder to the boundary fence 5 years previously, or the commitment made by her husband to pay 50%, or the Fencing Act of 1978 which states that they are liable for the full cost of any damage they caused to a common boundary. Do not assume she will bring her own tissue when she cries over the cost of repairs to her Mercedes and pleads poverty.

1meme, Dec 23, 2:37am
position sticky hanging fly strips closer to wall as pet bird falling to floor tangled in a mess of sticky strip not good for hands or the noise and loss of feathers.2. Prepare for major demolition and renovation while husband is away duck shooting for week but before attempting think about all the electric cables running under floor and down walls will save embarrassment of phoning any man asking for a chainsaw to get it all down BEFORE hubby comes home.next year it was the upstairs bathroom following year I attacked the kitchen he worries every year poor baby!

1meme, Dec 23, 2:44am
Also dont let water run down wall while waterblasting upstairs verander onto metrebox not only blew that but the main one out on street not once but twice lovely power company man was too bewildered to send a bill!

1meme, Dec 23, 2:51am
bugga theirs more.dont admit to hubby the real cause of the lawnmower blowing up as male takes great pleasure in telling radio station who phones live on air about putting brake fluid in as two stroke mix.and the lawns still didnt get finished!

shinx, Dec 23, 12:35pm
Meme - correct - "poor baby" more likely Hubby be freaking! You must know my wife! 'The walking disater'!
Just yesterday (not D.I.Y.), my wife rings my cell to inform me the dogs are 'attached' back to back and she can't get them apart. I say. "Throw a bucket of water over them". She asks. "Should I get them outside first"! Ummmmmm.Yeah.good idea darling! Water.carpet.yeah.n-
eat idea! You do that!

bethel1, Dec 23, 9:53pm
bump, can't let this one go, way too good

emmac1, Dec 24, 4:07am
bump bumpity

1meme, Dec 25, 1:53pm
shinx love it! pssst that happened in my back yard last year miss on heat newbie family member and neutered mutt (def must have jack russ in him) decided to get it on thing is it was the kids who alerted me they had the job of running into house filling up cups of water while mothers holding miss on heat as male very scared of mother keeps trying to get away.Hey matter of interest did you buy your wife a WHEELBARROW for xmas! Ive got the beast waiting to be put together now just hope it will fit through side gate! And heres me thinking I needed some new red bands.yes got them in a past xmas from beloved.

shinx, Dec 25, 2:48pm
hahahahehe - giggles - a wheelbarrow for xmas. You can always take the angle grinder to the barrow to get it into size. just do it in the middle of the lawn - less damage when you blow something up! No electric wires! No walls to carve up.My wife and I brought a wee electric lawnmower couple weeks back. Now the pair of us have to watch out we don't mow over the extention cord. I'm glad she has finished with the drop saw. After slicing the tip off her finger, I really do cringe when she 'fires' it up. Dogs are fine - boy finds himself with his backside to hers, but his wee back legs are perminently off the ground so she can pull him around the house when she wants to - bit like a blardy wheelbarrow. Just leave them too it.he gets tired and she get bord and eventually things subside whereby she egts away from him. I get to tell him off but she's the one flirting with him. Njoy your day meme - stay away from tools and water. m.xmas

hutchk, Dec 26, 4:02pm
I find it hard to believe I started this thread nearly two years ago and it's still going strong - have just spent half an hour catching up on the latest catastrophes, keep it up everyone, let's aim for three years!

1meme, Dec 28, 2:46am
shinx got an idea how about your wife gives me a hand to CUSTOMISE the mighty wheelbarrow.!