Lessons learned the hard way.

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morrisjvan, Oct 13, 12:37am
when using a hot air paint stripper make sure that it is turned off . if you leave it on low speed on your bench it may melt the brand new makita router next to it over lunchtime.

patsy3, Oct 13, 1:55am
A bit OT. But it doesn't pay to keep your trap shut when your lazy brother and his friends decide to use the dirt floor in the basement for a toilet. You will also get a bit of 4 x 2 wrapped around your arse when dad finds lots of little poos behind the plywood sheets leaning against the basement wall.

(haha some good ones morrisjvan)

happs1, Oct 13, 5:18am
Well working on a ladder Don't Step back to admire your work.:)

morrisjvan, Oct 13, 2:33pm
that reminds me ,when you are on the top step on a small step ladder don't turn around, because when you go to step back down, you may find that the actual steps are now on the other side of the stepladder !

skin1235, Oct 13, 3:01pm
builders planks are rated for X kg, 2 healthy lads both in the middle may not exceed that kg rate - when the planks are new - but by the time they're 5 yrs old and spent most of that 5 yrs out in the weather covered in all sorts of mud and crap 2 healthy lads does exceed that kg rate, as you find out when you're almost 3 mts up and your mate steps into the middle with you to help lift a couple of sheets of iron onto the roof

why is it that when a plank breaks it is alwaays when you are standing above the rubbish pile of broken blocks and bits of offcuts - it never happens when you can drop onto clear ground eh
damm hard on the shins and arms too

morrisjvan, Oct 13, 4:36pm
when using an electric planer in the spare room ,unplug it after you're finished,otherwise mr 4yo may go into said room and you will hear a sound from down the other end of the house that sounds very much like an electric planer starting up (shudder)

morrisjvan, Oct 13, 4:40pm
if you are going to put your back out, do it at the finish of the job,and not just after you have removed the old front door and frame,exposing house to weather etc,or you will have to work on in excruciating pain for the rest of the day to make it secure.

taniavh, Oct 13, 5:02pm
When Gib-Stopping, fill the joint with plaster before putting the tape on. For the next two/three coats, plaster with the line, not across it. Thats how you end up with a hump.

morrisjvan, Oct 13, 5:07pm
watch for wind gusts when re-roofing your hip-roof villa, the cut edges on the sheets are quite sharp and when you have them leaning up against the wall ,the wind can push them over and you may have to stop them falling on your head.

taniavh, Oct 13, 5:07pm
To get a great paint finish, cut in last on the first coat, and first on the second coat.

Use vinyl tape on glass, not masking tape.

To get the best results/coverage from Water-Based enamels, undercoat with oil undercoat first and leave for 48 hours, sand lightly and away you go.

taniavh, Oct 13, 5:10pm
Blue foam roller sleives will give you a spray like finish on doors.

taniavh, Oct 13, 5:13pm
Plus, if you stand on the top rung and you DO fall and get injured, ACC will sue you, and that includes the second top rung also.

morrisjvan, Oct 13, 5:14pm
when doing a bit of re-gibbing in the kitchen, do not indisciminatly knock out old blocks of timber or dwangs,some of these may have the laundry taps attached to them,you remember the laundry,you only finished repainting and tiling it the previous weekend.

taniavh, Oct 13, 5:15pm
If your standing height is above 3.5 m, you are legally required to have railed scaffolding.

wizardoo, Oct 13, 5:22pm
That happened to me it was the savings for the new washing machine for the new house,had to wash by hand for a few months

taniavh, Oct 13, 5:25pm
Here's a real good tip.

When in doubt, hire a professional.

hmck, Oct 13, 6:15pm
But where's the fun in that!

brucie261, Oct 13, 6:18pm
Ladies if ever using a rivet gun make sure boobs are clear before closing handles together!Very bruised boob and bosses don't like to put that on the accident register haha

hutchk, Oct 13, 7:59pm
As the starter of this thread a few years ago, I'd like to point out that taniavh seems to have missed the point entirely. More painful and or/embarrassing hilarity please, less of the painting tips and OSH twaddle.

skin1235, Oct 13, 8:32pm
but, but, we're all professional diy'ers aren't we, why go hire a guy when we can maim ourselves just as easily

morrisjvan, Oct 13, 10:04pm
left hand drill bits, no matter how many times you sharpen them will not cut unless rotating the correct way.

pico42, Oct 14, 6:13am
Don't buy one of those bell shaped conglomerates of birdseed and hang it from the edge of the pool shade sail.

It will fall off into the pool. Where it will immediately separate and either 1) clog up the creeper cleaner, 2) clog up the outlet screen, or 3) clog up the pump screen.

And don't dump the seed from the outlet cleaner straight onto the adjoining garden - it dries out nicely and feeds the birds. which in turn keeps the cat busy. Feathers all through the house and a body under the bed.

An awful mess.

laurenlee, Oct 14, 8:21pm
When you lock your car (with some cars you can do it without a key) and discover the keys are inside the car-do check that each door is actually locked before calling Husband on the other side of town-who has the spare key.

totaldeal, Oct 15, 2:03am
Don't carry on arc welder outside even if it's only raining a little bit.

totaldeal, Oct 15, 2:05am
Don't use your mates dive tanks when the Gage's don't work, not very nice under water 100 feet down and your air runs out.