Lessons learned the hard way.

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sooby, Apr 16, 5:38am
heres one 20+ years in the making. don't plant a small Gum tree in a residential section, directly over underground phone lines. It makes things very frustrating 20 years later for the poor bugger that is trying to remove the now 1m wide stump that has its roots heavily entwined with the phone line! I would introduce boot to backside of the Einstein that planted that Gum tree should I ever meet them.

mutley2, Apr 16, 3:40pm
Fridge magnets the bane of my life! Always check the bottom of your beautiful expensive stainless steel pots BEFORE putting onto your ceramic hob to boil. If you don't you may find clouds of acrid smoke billowing up from your once clean ceramic hob as the plastic melts leaving behind the tell tale magnet!

tonijo, Apr 17, 2:26am
.waiting for more. .sage advice.

myst2, Apr 17, 6:31pm
If permission is given to use the spare bedroom to store motorcycle parts in while accumulating sufficient to complete the bike purchased in bits, do not assume that further permission will be requested to store the completed motorcycle, because this is the logical extension. Instead, be prepared for hot oil drips by putting down some newspaper to protect the carpet.

markkirsty, Apr 17, 7:40pm
LOL Pukeko!

libby51, Apr 17, 11:51pm
Just because you come across the stormwater pipe when you're gardening, don't presume it runs in a straight line and will henceforth be under the lawn.Oh no, ours goes at an angle, to be met up with again in a different part of the garden when I holed it with the spade and my might muscles!Thank God for the good people at TM Gardening DIY who told me how to fix it - get a piece of pipe similar dimension (PVC in both cases), using a fine hacksaw slice a piece off, to make a good cover over the hole, slice it lengthwise, dig right around the pipe (being careful not to make another hole)put plumbers' putty over the hole and around the pipe to make a seal (not necessary, but I did) and pop the new bit over, bury and remember where it is for next time!My mother was MOST impressed when I told her I'd just fixed the stormwater pipe!

lrosebudl, Apr 18, 4:44am
never buy a piece of furniture without checking that it will fit through the door to the room that it is meant to go in - it is now sitting in the garage awaiting a window guy to come on Monday to remove ranch-slider . it just, repeat, it just may fit in through that door . but won't know until ranchslider door is off :-(

dgluved, Apr 18, 4:54am
When carefully coating the the newly sanded bathroom floor with the expensive marine grade urethane and working your way backwards to the door, ensure you leave the lid for said expensive product on the edge of the bath where you haven't got a hope in hell of reaching it.

maegit, Apr 18, 7:36am
lol One of mine was painting the second coat of enamel paint before the first was properly dry. I think it curdled! Had to scrape the whole lot off. Also while spray painting the roof. the drift put tiny little spots all over the windows down one side of the house.

maegit, Apr 18, 7:42am
The best one was DPs He couldnt get the nozzle on the can of foam gap filler to work. So. he decided to poke a hole himself with a nail. The whole can squirted out and him being super clever moved around. there was foam bits everywhere. on the ground, on the house, over the plants at the neighbours. WHEN it happens. do NOT try to waterblast it off! It will go tacky and stick more. wait PATIENTLY till it dries to its foamy state and it comes off easily. If someone does use their waterblaster (being the answer to everything) I suggest just repaint everything!

gingerlime, Apr 20, 12:53am
While waiting for your first attempt at making lemon honey, (from tm recipe) to cool, so that you can add the eggs that you didn't put in because your printer is out of ink so you haven't printed out the recipe and there were so few ingredients that you were sure even you would remember all of them but you didn't remember the eggs, and it won't thicken without them and you did re-read the bit that said 'don't be tempted to turn up the heat and Keep stiring', so you kept the heat down and you've been stirring it for 3/4 hour until you remember that there were supposed to be eggs.come and re-read this thread to remind yourself that it's always funnier when it happens to someone else.

suttond, Apr 21, 6:22am
Never assume that concrete laid down outside. a 120+ yr old house will *actually* be entirely concrete. If you're lucky it'll just be concrete, brick bits & rubble, and maybe some ashphalt. If you're unlucky you'll spend an hour hammering around the edges of a 300x300 sheet of cast iron buried for goodness know what reason. Also, never assume that the contents of a raised garden will be dirt. Apparently raised gardens are a marvellous place to hide things over 100 years.

suttond, Apr 21, 6:28am
When the outside drain of your 120+ yr old house blocks, do use your hose to help flush it out.However, if inside the gully trap there are oldish looking pipes that are stuffed with cloth, don't unplug them and shove the hose up them for good measure. Old houses like ours used to have these old pipes going under the house for goodness knows why (perhaps allowing air to flow.) and when you pipe in several hundred litres of water into an area that hasn't seen the light of day (or fresh air for that matter) for over 100 yrs the moisture will rot your floorboards. The puddle takes years to dry up, too. Haven't fixed the floorboards yet, so far the carpet is holding us up.

punkinthefirst, Apr 21, 6:56am
Don't assume that your grandkids can't reach the battery drill you have hidden in the top of the cupboard. and don't assume that, when they get it down, they won't drill holes in the window frame, the windowsill, two china cabinets and a tractor tyre before you come in from chatting to the mail-man and catch them!

hezwez, Apr 21, 3:09pm
awww punkinthefirst, sooo cute!

picksta, Apr 22, 7:46pm
Don't assume. your local power supplier will keep power running in the middle of delicate ceiling painting operation at night, especially when 3 kids a kitten and dog will come to you for reasurance all is ok and power will come back on soon , despite the (now invisible) paint tray being stupidly placed for all to walk thru!

picksta, Apr 22, 7:57pm
Do assume. when you are slightly over weight , are standing near the edge on very old roof with cracking clay tiles, that when your feet go thru the aforementioned tiles, and thru the ceiling board, that the bearer(4 x 2 piece of wood, for the unsure) that you are now straddling , will cause damage and pain to your tender bits.

crackerjack19, Apr 22, 11:20pm
Its not always the accident that makes you laugh but when you work for the government and some beraucrat/office goon does not believe what you tell him-even when its the truth.I used to do a lot of travelling by car and had the misfortune to have a couple of things go wrong yet not be believed
by HO office guys. Iwas told the explanations were fanciful and highly immanginative and yet I had acouple of very near misses that would have driven them wild.

crackerjack19, Apr 22, 11:34pm
When travelling down country roads it was not unusual to be brought to a halt by a large herd of cows going to the milking shed. With now where to go one had to stay there and wait for the cows to walk by.At certain times they are a little randy and mount one another. When the dismount is efected their balance and sense of direction is not always as good as one would pray for. Needless to say I was grateful that it was not neccessary
to explain how a cow landed in the middle of the cars bonnet.I can only wonder at the great heights that such an explanation would have placed me in the 'Tall Tales' section of accidents reported.

pc_nut, Apr 23, 10:09am
bump love the cow story LMAO

redden39, Apr 23, 9:26pm
I am meant to be burgering (oops, I mean stripping) a window ready for paint and am just catching this thread up again.Up to page 12 and chewing thru my prepaid broadband.Hope I make it to the end.

redden39, Apr 23, 11:25pm
That damned exploding foam!The electrician asked if it was ok to knock a hole in the lounge wall to rewire the kitchen light fitting.Fine, I thought.When it came time to fix the hole, my dear Father thought the "Selleys Space Invader" would do the trick.I wasn't ready for it and my long hair was unrestrained.As per usual with that pressurised stuff, it took a while to come out of the nozzle, but when it did, it was all on for young and old.The foam is still stuck to the carpet about four years later and it took weeks to pick it out of my hair.

jennyp2, Apr 24, 3:12am
Who shifted the grapefruit tree while I was backing the car on the lawn! Boot now has imprint of tree trunk in it

alimick, Apr 24, 5:02am
Ha ha ha jenny Similar happened to us today.Hubby and I jumped into ute and backed around. Bit of od bump. What was that!Only my car! Now it has an imprint of his tow bar on my bumper.

pc_nut, Apr 24, 7:19am
any more stories