Lessons learned the hard way.

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hezwez, Apr 6, 8:04pm
4 hundy for the bump!

aredwood, Apr 7, 2:41am
To kick off a new page When Piping out for a new Toilet block, Double check the finished height of the wall hung toilet pans! It is never a good look when you sit down and your feet are only just resting on the floor. It is also not a good look when you only discover this after installing all 4 pans after all the tiling is done. It is not fun making holes in the new tiles to change the height of the frames.

tigra, Apr 7, 5:36pm
bump for position.

pc_nut, Apr 8, 6:30am
when putting things back together, make sure everything is put back in with no "spare" parts

bigboy01, Apr 8, 6:41am
When turning in your car on a main road DON"T forwhatever SILLY reason decided you want to push the trip metre.Your hand suddendly goes through the steering wheel to push and bl00dy hell cars coming and you nearly break your damn arm as you just have to keep going!Very foolish!

pc_nut, Apr 8, 9:13pm
never check if the high tension lead on the coil is plugged tightly in while the engine is running, even though there is a rubber cap you can still get an almighty bite and in my experience it is not nice

1rosco, Apr 8, 11:12pm
Hey 401 There is a old saying "measure twice, cut once!" (maybe I should do that sometime so I can avoid my mishaps!)

tonijo, Apr 10, 3:42am
seen a spanner fly through the air MIGHTY FAST after being accidentally dropped across the car battery terminals.we were all very lucky.

pc_nut, Apr 10, 7:06am
dont let this thread die any more mishaps or blunders in the building trade

1stbossman, Apr 10, 8:42am
If you are spray painting a tile roof and the hose from the pump unit gets tangle by somthing on the ground,dont step on the wet paint while you are trying to get it free. Especially when its is a two story house you are working on and you get tangled up with the ladder as you go over the edge onto the concrete path below. It is a very painful experience

pukeho, Apr 10, 7:11pm
ouch to above poster yup have done the element thing too, wiping controls on stove, had a ceramic one with jug sitting on it, and yes you guessed it bumped the element switch on, one horrible melted plastic mess later, my dad was here and said well we may as well crack open the rum and coke now, so hubbie came home to one pissed wife and father in law,and no he wouldn't believe I melted the jug BEFORE getting sozzzled

peanuts, Apr 11, 5:03am
bump keep it coming

kumerakid, Apr 11, 5:48am
hubby bless him was using a staple gun to build a pantry, someone walked up to him and he turned his head to talk - stapling his finger to the unit, after they found the claw hammer to get his finger off the unit it was luckly a quick trip to the hospital.

zoopa, Apr 11, 7:27am
Don't use a staple gun to pin your cheeky ten year old daughter to the floor through her jeans and sleeves. The indignation will bring out her "other" personality. The one you didn't know could swear like a sailor, as loud as an opera singer, teaching you a few words you didn't know, and entertaining her mother and the neighbors. So HA! Up yours Dad, and thanks Ma, you taught me well. Lol

pc_nut, Apr 11, 7:41pm
. PMSL. bump up

pc_nut, Apr 13, 8:10am
any more!

zoopa, Apr 13, 5:06pm
Don't believe the guy in the hardware store who said that this mix with water stuff will hold two 3m sheets of jib to a concrete block wall. He assumes it was bare, you thought you said it was painted. So, three days after putting the gib on with the stuff, you are sleeping in the room next door cos the bedroom still needs work. At about 3:00am, while very fast asleep, the stick on stuff decides it doesn't work so well on a painted block wall, and proceeds to let go of the gib. First the top one, then the bottom one. Naturally there is no carpet in the room, just wooden floors, and naturally the sound of crashing gib sounds like a pack of angry clydesdales coming to eat you. Which, of course is your first thought during a dream that has horses in it, until you partially wake and think the roof has fallen in, while your heart has leapt to the top of your skull. Next day the Gib was put up with wallboard glue and masonry nails, and it stayed put forever more. This is my landlords trick, not mine BTW. lol

camino, Apr 13, 5:06pm
Dont blame your husband when the washing machine starts making this hideous noise, leaping all over the place and you are positive it must be all those nuts and bolts he constantly leaves in his jeans, finally wrecking your machine. When you get the plumber in and find its the underwire from your bra you have to eat crow for a few days!

sooby, Apr 15, 3:17am
heres one I learned last Saturday When a sudden gust of wind comes out of nowhere - don't be caught downwind while on the roof sweeping the chimney "cough, cough, wobble around dangerously on top of roof trying to get soot out of eyes."

fhpottery, Apr 15, 3:43am
From Takapuna to backblocks 1)New ride on, steep hills.where are the brakes!.broken ride on, very sore. Broken fence.chooks everywhere, cows bolted.

2)Don't learn how to drop a huge tree, close to a road. Tree falls on road, and jams chain saw. Use second chain saw. Second one binds. Oh hell. Use handsaw in great panic whilst 2 cattle trucks and ten cars wait along with three camper vans!
3) Use unknown chemical weedkiller from the old shed that seems to have a risidual activity for 3 years.
4)Try to catch sheep on hill country without a dog, to crutch them with manicure scissors at fly-strike time.(during the most humid time of the year).get a contract shearer or bribe a farmer.
5)accidentally hit a sitting chook with a petrol line trimmer whilst trimming long grass

angelay, Apr 15, 3:52am
hire bin companies don't like it when your teen sets fire to the contents to 'pack it down a bit so you can fit more it'.Especially when they're Pink Bins because all the pretty pink paint will melt off!

angelay, Apr 15, 3:55am
I have learnt that just because my company makes washable pillows that are my favourite, it's not really a clever idea to use the same fill but a cheaper cotton case to get the shape I want. because I'll forget the cotton won't wash, and it'll blow apart in the washing machine. and polyester in a washing machine engine causes it to smoke!And earns me a weird look from from the repair guy.

fhpottery, Apr 15, 4:01am
good one zoopa That's bloody funny! I had the same thing happen but with an old Mobil sign (those huge ones that used to rotate on the poles). I had it rigged up with lights, and screwed with a few screws. It gave way, and fell from the loft onto the floor and shattered into a million bits. The fluorescents exploded to boot. I thought a plane had crashed into the house, as I was dreaming of planes at the time!

zoopa, Apr 15, 5:09am
and don't you feel a right dork when you realise what it actually was. lol

hmck, Apr 15, 10:03pm
bumping because it's worth it!