Lessons learned the hard way.

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shrekle, Feb 3, 3:33am
ok ok dismantling an old concrete shed Roofs removed, close neighbors house is protected with corrogated iron, built up area so lots of neighbors spying on us. A mate and I take to a wall with sledge hammers deciding to work our way around it, about 15 minutes into it the whole concrete shed(tonnes and tonnes of it) decides its coming down now.What a noise and the earth did shake. Neighbors came running from every direction, are you all right, are you all right, yeah, I looked at my mate and said well I nearly crapped myself, you! Yep It was close all right. Lets have a beer. Alrighty then its been a long day

kuaka, Feb 3, 1:02pm
and when there's a gale forecast with heavy rain it is not a good idea to spread fresh horse manure all around the garden so that the rain will wash it in and help everything to grow, because the gale was so severe that all the fresh manure ended up stuck all over the next door neighbours lovely white stucco walls.They weren't impressed!(this was my sister & brother-in-laws trick not mine!)

chriswin, Feb 3, 4:48pm
I learnt, when wallpapering a large room using the trough method, after emptying the trough, and having a break for a while,1- check the trough before pouring more water into it. The length of the trough is just long enough for one cat and one kitten to lie in the sun in it.2- make sure the trough is not next to the wall with the new wallpaper on it - shredding paper is not a good look and 3- ALWAYS ensure an extra roll has been bought as back up in case of 1 and 2

pcguitarist, Feb 3, 7:35pm
Bump! Bump!

cranto, Feb 3, 7:39pm
If you wear safety glasses when using the skill saw you will save $50 in A&E costs!(just found out this weekend!)

hmck, Feb 4, 12:55pm
bump because it's worth it.

yduj, Feb 5, 12:06am
and bump again - for a laugh a others' expense .

kuaka, Feb 5, 2:02am
When driving a van load of eggs brake gently Jamming the brakes on hard results in the biggest raw omelette you could imagine.I know, because I used to deliver eggs for a living a good few years ago, and I slammed the brakes on suddenly and the 40 dozen eggs at the back of the van flipped over on top of all the eggs at the front of the van.When I opened the side door of the van this horrible slimey gooey mess just oozed out.Boss wasn't terribly impressed!

firefly001, Feb 5, 2:09am
haha humpty dumpty .

sumstyle, Feb 5, 1:45pm
Don't use a stick to stir your paint, when you already know that your bull terrier is mad about sticks and thinks it's new game where you have "hidden" a stick in the paint tin for him to find.

dreamingofbali, Feb 5, 6:52pm
Hey, just had a flash of inspiration. .am off to do some painting now, and of course I'm wearing my 'good' jeans and top - which presents the usual dilemma: should I change clothes or not! Like some of you, I've been in situations where the impromptu decision to 'have a quick go at it right now, I'll just take more care than usual' has had an unhappy ending for a number of my better items of clothing. Aha, but now, a surely-foil-proof solution has presented itself to me in a brilliant flash of light: turn your clothes inside out! That's right, just whip your shirt and pants off, turn em inside out, and if you get paint on em - no worries! Whaddaya reckon! I'm off to try it out now, ta.

dreamingofbali, Feb 5, 7:05pm
Wow, this is eureka moment day for me. . coz an alternative solution to this problem has just jolted me with its brilliance: when you whip your 'good' clothes off. just leave em off! Damp hand towel at the ready just in case, and off you go, no worries!

zoopa, Feb 5, 7:39pm
I usually diy half dressed dreaming, it works great. Especially when sanding plaster, no dusty tops to take off, or long pants. Just a quick dust off and into the shower. However, I DO not advise this in the middle of winter, or when rolling splattery oil based paint. lol

kuaka, Feb 6, 2:20am
and might be best to remember to cover up before answering that knock at the door!

bluecat1529, Feb 6, 3:14am
When finishing bathroom reno and nailing scotia above shower if you get a bit of resistance driving the nail in don't give it an extra hard whack. It's amazing how much water can come out of a little nail hole in the cold water pipe. Esp. on Sunday afternoon when everyones closed.

bluecat1529, Feb 6, 3:18am
First day on a new building site as a subbie and you're looking for somewhere to put all your gear don't pick up the sheet of ply lying on the floor in your way and wander around looking for somewhere to put it because you fall into the hole it was covering.

marleneg, Feb 6, 4:46am
this would have to be the best thread ever.thanks for the laugh peoples and I must admit I can empathise with so many of these posts.

tizme, Feb 6, 3:22pm
On large building sites where there is a lot of concrete work, the dust from cutting operations will settle on and into the rain puddles and disguise the fact that the planks covering a 6ft deep hole have floated away.

tizme, Feb 6, 3:29pm
if the water is freezing cold in that same 6ft hole, you rarely touch the bottom before reacting and exploding back out of there, causing great mirth for all but the Safety Officer.

dgluved, Feb 6, 9:47pm
Bump This was starting to slip.

kuaka, Feb 7, 2:20am
Let's keep this going guys, must be lots more lessons we can learn at the expense of other people, and we all need a good laugh.Don't let this thread die!

makerealbany, Feb 7, 4:02am
Do not try and help hubbie When he decides he needs to replace the boat window. Do not decide when everyone else is out that you have just the tool to do this. Do not grab your Rug Hook that you have been making a mat with and wedge in under the rubber. If you do you may pull so hard to get the rubber out that you lose your balance, fall off the stepladder and end up laying on the grass wondering where the hell the Latch Hook is and why you have a terrible pain in your eye whilst blood is trickling down your face.30 years agoI made that mistake and I can still remember my neighbours screams of horror. After they removed it amd popped the eyeball back in I was as good as new.

cinderellagowns, Feb 7, 4:17am
Good lord! Did the neighbour get post traumatic stress disorder!

kuaka, Feb 7, 4:54am
and when you have a climber growing along the side of the house and it's got nothing to grip onto, and you spy a nail that you could tie a string to but you can't quite reach it, get something more sensible than a "step-stool" to put in the border so that you can reach.I got onto the top of the step-stool and then the two legs closest to the drive dug in a bit more than the ones closest to the house and next thing I'm sprawled across the drive flat on my back, and hoping that nobody saw me.Luckily for me, the drive consisted of two concrete strips with a strip of grass down the middle.I landed with my bum on the grass strip and my head on the lawn, my elbow didn't fare so well, it landed on the concrete and I chipped a piece out of it.Ouch.The climber never did get tied up.

tizme, Feb 7, 12:59pm
Topdressing planes look good as they scream over the ridge trailing great billowing clouds of fertilizer.
Only a townie stands out there camera in hand waiting for the perfect shot - until the Superphosphate comes raining down like a hail storm!
If the same person has also taken the kids for a look too - they lose all credibility as a role model pretty fast.