What would be the best way to attach these planter boxes beneath window ledge.They are galvanised powder coated rust proof planters about 1metre long.
Sep 5, 7:27am
The whole idea is not to break the weathertightness of the exterior cladding, so anyway as long as its not fixed directly to the house exterior.
Sep 5, 8:09am
Thank you gabbysnanna,that's going to be the tricky part.
Sep 5, 3:18pm
what is the cladding. If it is weatheroard you need to fix screws through to the studs. If it is plaster finish beware
Sep 13, 1:59pm
Sep 15, 5:50am
Do the mounting lugs align with the studs?
Sep 25, 10:11pm
If it is WB run a mounting board over the WBs use some stainless screws to attach & stainless screws for the planter boxes,WBs should be 20mm thick so if you get screws that don’t actually go all the way through the WBs you should be fine. If you decide you want to change later on just remove the screws & fill the screw holes & paint
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