Corrugated iron roof - rust

helen_nz2, Dec 5, 12:20am
I have, I think it's rust looking from a distance. I wondered how much this is going to cost and what's involved as I'll need to get someone in to do the work. It's not a previously painted roof. The house is 110sqmtr and I can only see from one side of the house but it looks like rust is right across the roof. .sigh!

trade4us2, Dec 5, 1:35am
Look at the roof with Google Maps or Google Earth.
If it's rusty it could be painted to make it last a few more years. However it may leak into the house and cause damage.

zak410, Dec 5, 1:38am
Neat idea !
if only we could paint it with Photoshop.

fordkiwi27, Dec 5, 1:55am
yeah that will give you a real good idea *Rolls eyes*

echoriath, Dec 5, 1:57am
I always thought it would be fun to paint a message on the roof that would be visible by satellite.

And I agree with fordkiwi: get up there and have a look or hire a trusted professional to sort it.

fordkiwi27, Dec 5, 2:34am
haha. think a ladder will be a better option!

mokaumoi, Dec 5, 4:10am
Ummm, won't it depend how many years ago the google aerial was taken!

My house pic shows trees that were taken out nine years ago!

jezabeel, Dec 5, 4:15am
Paints alot cheaper than new iron!

elect70, Dec 5, 9:45pm
Rust never sleeps. If it looks bad from there its gone through the galvanisingthen on the roof it will be 10 times worse . Minejust hadbubbles under the pain t but afterwire brushingbig holesfound & new iron needed,15 yr oldroof

ladylow013, Dec 5, 11:36pm
We use a product called Coltagum to cover rust spots but its pretty expensive. Its about $75 a litre, but its the best stuff going around.
Cost for a new roof; looking around $7000 to $8000 depending on Ridges, Valley etc.
We just did a 100m2 house for just under $6000 recently.

yorkie13, Dec 6, 4:03am
Fix the bloody roof. quit fannying about.

elise24, Dec 16, 2:37pm
This paint will do the trick.
I've seen a rusty roof painted in this and it still looks amazing after 5 years.

rsr72, Dec 16, 5:48pm
Use a rust killer on the rust, then a proper galvanised steel primer all over, then a good quality roof paint.

bryshaw, Dec 16, 10:23pm
Roofing iron is a very forgiving material, especially the older Lysaght! stuff. I spray fishoilene under the laps then undercoat over that, followed by a quality roof paint x 2 coats.

ayjay1, Dec 19, 12:12am
As above.#14 &#15. Fisholene takes longer to dry though. We spot prime with Blackguard rust converter. Then Wattyl rust kill over that, to stop the Blackguard from bleeding through the final 2 coats ofgood quality roof paint. I have 4 of these roofs to go back to after Christmas. I guess it is better than no work but not much better haha.

steptoe72, Dec 19, 12:25am
Why not paint it with used car oil.! shed roof right!. not house roof.water will run off a oiled roof.

shirley229, Dec 21, 4:01pm
Im after used iron for a fence but none to be had so my advise is---Get a new roof. HeHe.