Painting a concrete path and patio?

clareo, Oct 4, 8:30pm
Well nearly a year has passed and we haven't done the above job! Maybe this year! I have looked at the above suggestion but does anyone have experience of any outdoor paint that is non slip that does not require a grain to go in it, as that is what our current paint is like? We would use what he currently have again but have no idea what it may be. Thanks for your help.

kateley, Oct 4, 9:17pm
is it possible to take a sample into a paint shop? Or take really clear photos?

trad, Oct 4, 11:22pm
Google "paving paint .nz". Some choices there.

clareo, Oct 23, 9:26pm
Our path and patio needs repainting. What we had has lasted really well but have no idea what it was coated with as it was there when we purchased the house. But it is non slip and doesn't appear to be a Resene product and doesn't have any sand like texture in it - so any ideas? Thanks

pc_uncorrect, Oct 24, 7:44am
Perhaps? an 'epoxy resin' industrial coating was used? very hard wearing, and long-lasting. PPG offer, 'White Knight' Ultra-Pave and Paving Paint available at Bunnings (special order?).

clareo, Sep 11, 1:56pm
Thanks for that info - I will have a look.