What type of concrete would be best for a shed floor?
Sep 25, 4:20pm
Bagged you mean? How big is the shed? I've just finished a shed floor, the shed is only 2.5 X 3m but it was worth getting 2 cubes of builders mix and mixing it myself. Did it in 4 pours, couldn't be bothered doing it in one lot.
Sep 25, 5:58pm
Depends what the shed is to be used for - does the floor need chemical resistance, weight of items that are going on the floor. How much you wish to spend - coloured concrete, polished etc?
Sep 25, 8:21pm
Its around 3 X 3m, I will be using it as a hobby workshop so nothing fancy, trying to do it as cheap as possible without it affecting quality etc.
Sep 25, 11:31pm
Use plenty of reinforcing mesh. Lay it a little deeper on wheel tracks & entrance way.
Sep 25, 11:33pm
as long as your hobby doesn't involve cummins engines and gearboxes type sizes and weights, set up to lay a slab 75mm deep, 3x3 is 9sq by75mm is only .675 cube, allow say 0.8 of a cube, get a truck in, ask for 27mpa or 30 mpa, will cost less than $150, which if you work out 7 bags cement ($95 min)( 27mpa) 0.8 cube builders mix - another $50, hire or steal a concrete mixer, likewise a wheelbarrow, completely stuff your back and still end up with uneven mixing when it comes out of the truck you have up to 2 hrs to slow down and get it right, the whole lot is then done, and you know it will not fall to bits in 3 yrs
Sep 26, 3:11am
Yarrrh! I just love it when someone asks for the best type of something and then it turns out what they actually want is the cheapest job possible.
Sep 26, 3:45am
Thanks for you answers! and Yarrh Daryl14, maybe I should have rephrased it "best WAY to do it on the cheap"
Sep 26, 1:41pm
Don't forget to put polythene under the concrete
Sep 26, 2:27pm
Bejassus Skin,you could land a Jumbo Jet on 30mpa. Standard concrete is 17.5mpa and all you need.
Sep 26, 6:29pm
yeah, but for the minimal extra cost, on a laymans 75mm slab ( anywhere from 100 to 60mm )it WILL handle cummins engines and gearboxes, even when you drop them ( go on, ask me how I know this, lol
a 75mm slab of 17mpa will not like a wood lathe table being bolted to it, I've also repaired patches where a car jack has punched through such, especially when the 'on the cheap' job usually means the best average will be 60mm
Sep 27, 3:15am
YES, very important
Sep 18, 11:07pm
not so much the concrete but what is under it . aim for 300mm of well compacted hardfill, compact in 150mm layers with a 80kg plate compacttor , 100mm 20 mpa slab , a bit of a thickening around the outside and throw in a bit of mesh or some d12 @ 300 each way . dont muck around mixing premix . get a truck
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