Anyone built a shed lately?

lisb, Mar 9, 2:59pm
I want and idea of cost for this
Hubby will do the floor,will just get them to put the shell up.Thanks

lisb, Mar 9, 4:01pm
Hubby is a builder will do the floor and line the inside etc himself, He may end up doing the lot but wants the shell done fast so will get them to do that! Was thinking 30k but was hoping it might be less! Seems like alot of money for a shed to me,But I guess thats what the cost.I wish the kitset places would put price lists on the webpages!

elect70, Mar 9, 7:11pm
Cant beat thefranchises on priceprvided it fits1 of their standard plans . That includes floor . They have the buying power .Get them tocome &quoteyouwill be surprised .

trader_84, Mar 9, 7:30pm
$21,000 for a 13.2x9x2.4 garage approx 10 yrs ago - for comparison. The make is Versitile I think. I told them I had a budget of $20k to spend and they (like all businesses) weasel'd nearly another grand out of us. So yeah $21k. The shed featured skylights, a double roller door and windows down one side only and along the rear wall. The site was reasonably level but I remember he complained that it took an extra couple of truck loads of gravel to what he had quoted. I shrugged my shoulders and looked away. After that is was a further $3k to power it up. That consisted of a mixture of 3ph and 1ph. The 3ph power points are 20A items. 12 lights I think. Oh yes, and the concrete had black polythene placed under it and steel around the perimeter. Later on I spent an extra $400+ getting one of those kw/hr counters put into the powerbox on the wall in order to help understand what certain activities cost to undertake. If it had of been only 1ph - it would have been heaps cheaper. The shed is the dryest, hottest building on the property and we are happy with it 10 years on. There is a bigger shed on the property also but its of a pole construction . your oldman would need a hand to do one of those - its a crane job to get the telephone sized poles into the holes. Rule of thumb for kitset shed construction . is to double the price of the kitset to ball park the cost of getting it erected.

40wav, Mar 9, 7:55pm
Check out the Goldpine kitset range. Alot in there seemed pretty reasonable.

trader_84, Mar 9, 8:04pm
That pole shed/barn I mentioned above . its a goldpine one. Their stuff is substantial and sturdy as f., but . these are the ones that you will need to times by two (minimum) to ball park the cost of getting it up. The other thing with Goldpines . they are simple in construction but they are not lightweight like the Ideal/Versitile types are meaning - you'll need to get ahold of specialist gear for lifting heavy and high. This is why most of them are put up by contractors who specialize in this type of construction.

willy, May 25, 12:00pm
Have a look at they are extremely high quality sheds at the same price as the usual high quality sheds available in New Zealand