Gas Smell - Infinity hot water system

bsj02, Feb 23, 1:53am
We moved into a house with Infinity Gas hot water (lpg bottles outside) instead of a hot water cylinder 3 years ago. Just today i noticed a slight gas smell when i opened the cupboard where the gas cabinet thing is. I was wondering if this was normal? I cant smell it now

skin1235, Feb 23, 3:44am
gas is heavier than air, get your nose down to floor level
if you are still worried about it get a gasfitter to check with his sniffer

faa_luke, Feb 23, 4:22am
Not normal to smell gas. Is the water heater flued to outside via a white 125mm flue?

wembley1, Feb 23, 6:11pm
Are you sure it is an Infinity (a Rinnai instantaneous water heater)? It is unusual to have an Infinity inside the house inside a cupboard. If it is, the cupboard should have vents to allow the appliance to get some air.

Does the water heater have a flue (a chimney) going up through the ceiling?

Is the smell you are noticing the smell of unburned gas or is it more like a car exhaust smell?

Either way you should contact a gasfitter - a gas leak could cause an explosion, exhaust fumes entering the living space could poison you.

bsj02, Feb 23, 7:33pm
Yes it has a white pipe going up into ceiling, Definatly an Infinity. It smelt like unburnt gas but just opened cupboard again and got down low and cant smell it but will try again when the hot water is in use

fogs, Feb 24, 5:20am
We have a Rinnai infinity installed outside on the side of the house, We have always got a whiff of gas when the water taps are turned on there is a split second when the ignition hasn't kicked on hence a fleeting smell of gas

daryl14, Feb 24, 4:12pm
Yip. Wife used to whinge about this all the time.

bsj02, Feb 24, 5:26pm
hhmmm ok maybe its normal. wonder why ours was put inside. Do you get them checked yearly or anything?

mark_g, May 24, 3:21pm
Some makes of gas instant hot water (incl the two big manufacturers) also do an indoor version. It's similar but not quite the same as outdoor models. Requires the flue same as modern log burners with air intake down the outside sheath of the flue and exhaust up the inner. Has a little more heat shielding. Looking at some for my place.