Firewood rounds in cube

siobhan41, Feb 3, 12:59am
Not sure if anyone can answer this or not.
I have been offered 30 rings of gum 40cm x 25cm but have no idea how many cube this would be split.
I could buy 6 cube already split for $480 or the 30 rounds for $300 from someone else.

maclad, Feb 3, 1:11am
Dont quote me here but surely gum is easiest split when green so before buying you need to make sure that it has not been down for too long, otherwise you will have a mission on your hands

siobhan41, Feb 3, 1:27am
Try 4 years in a barn haha so possibly a good question.

omamari, Feb 3, 1:58am
If the rounds are 400mm diam by 250 long then 30 rounds will give you 0.942 cube.
If the rounds are 250 diameter by 400mm long you will get 0.588 cube
I don't think you would get five cubes of air in six cubes of split timber.

siobhan41, Feb 3, 2:07am
So 1cube out of 30 rings looks allot more than that.

zoopa, Feb 3, 2:10am
thrown or stacked?

siobhan41, Feb 3, 9:58am

omamari, Feb 3, 11:50am
Six cube of split is costing $80 a cube. The rings are costing $318 per cube.
In my opinion there is no way that there is 4 times as much air as wood in a thrown stack of timber

budgel, Feb 3, 2:47pm
Six cube split for $480 isnt a bad price.

solarboy, Feb 4, 12:15am
I'll vouch for that. I dropped a couple of gums and ringed them 6 months ago - forgot that bit about splitting it promptly but proved it a few days ago when my splitting axe bounced off it. A couple more gums dropped a couple of weeks ago split easily within a week, splitting axe again. Lesson learned.

jacinda2059, Feb 4, 4:09pm
normally, a one cord trailer load of rings, splits up to just over one cord, split, thrown back into the trailer.

siobhan41, Feb 4, 9:33pm
Ok just trying to work out if 30 rounds would get me 6 cube of thrown woodw

omamari, Feb 4, 9:41pm
AS I said before, no way would you get 6 cube, probably abort 2 to 3

patxyz, Feb 4, 9:48pm
concur with #3

jacinda2059, Feb 5, 12:38am
I would second that,

timbo69, Feb 5, 12:39am
Buy the split wood. I sell rings to people that want me to but the saving vs time dont add up unless things are very very tight and you want a big workout.

omamari, Jul 23, 2:24pm
Hah, at last a definite answer from Macker. His 18 rings @ 800mm , if they are 250mm long equates to 2.26 cube of solid wood. Therefore a cube of solid wood equals 1,1 cube of split