Help! my roses have something wrong !

heidi9, Jan 24, 11:31pm

annies3, Jan 24, 11:54pm
Looks like total lack of water or they have been sprayed with some weed killer.
Doesn't look good sorry.

bindyloo, Jan 24, 11:55pm
Could be the spittle bug, tiny insects underneath the leaf, suck out all the goodness in the leaves,, ours are very slowly coming right with a spray of conqueror oil and shield. But if in doubt, take a cutting to your local nursery or google. I know it looks dreadful and so disappointing too.

harrislucinda, Jan 25, 3:11am
no not spittle bug That looks like spray that is killing off

maclad, Jan 25, 3:21am
I do not think I have ever seen herbicide turn leaves brown like that and the leaf veins are still green. Generally herbicide turns things yellow at the growth point and then the plant wilts. This is a strange one, do not think it is insects or disease and it the back ground you can see roses which appear to be far more healthy. Looks like a very hot spot you have them in and I would be thinking a water issue. Tell us how they are planted in the bed and which ones are troubled, eg the ones round the edges only. It may help.
Did you dig lovely big holes full of goodies or are they perhaps sitting on a hard pan.

lemming2, Jan 25, 3:28am
That looks like drought to me. I was given 2 roses in December, and it took a while for me to sort out a space for them for various reasons. They looked like that by the time I got them into the ground. I gave the holes a very thorough soaking before planting, and cut the roses right back like a Winter pruning. I fed on the surface, and then mulched with compost. Eureka! they're both now flowering and looking really well.
Best of luck!

sb6, Jan 25, 6:13am
Has it been really hot & windy? Mine are looking like this after really strong drying windy days.

heidi9, Jan 25, 6:15am
Thanks Maclad, thinking back, I had sprayed them for aphids with a spray that I had bought a year ago. Its mysterious tho as only a few plants have done this and others are perfectly fine. The flowers are unaffected, just the leaves. Maybe the spray was too old and had "gone off?" It is a warm spot for the roses but I keep them well watered, fertilised etc. They are new plants just planted in August but had a generous amount of rose compost added at the time. Im not sure what to do with the affected plants now tho, cut them right back do you think?

maclad, Jan 25, 6:31am
New plants will succumb to drought far quicker than established ones. As for cutting them back, it depends on the health of the stems. Are they fresh and green looking or have they withered. If still healthy dont cut them too far back, maybe about half. If they are withered then a hard prune and fingers crossed.

heidi9, Jan 25, 7:18am
Thanks for the advice. Some have healthy looking stems and others have gone black so there might be some finger crossing going on and may need to be prepared to replace a few in July.

devine-spark, Jan 25, 8:16am
Rose-ary beads?

groovie1, Jan 26, 12:27am
Roses are generally very forgiving, I've done some unforgivable things to mine but they're still alive to tell the story and they're looking a lot better for it. Sounds like you're doing everything else right so I'd give them a hand and prune them back to the goodness.

quillta1, Jan 26, 12:43am
Mum always said never put mulch or bark around the base of the roses. They don't like things right in,. leave a gap between the rose and the bark. They apparently have feeder roots the come out from around the base.

maclad, Jan 26, 3:02am
Also do you have weed mat under that bark, if so get rid of it, and keep up the water on those plants as it sounds as though you may not be watering deep enough, even tho you think you are.

rainrain1, Jan 26, 5:26am
They look heckofa dry to me, cut them back, mulch with some nice compost, water and a hand ful of blood and bone, and hope for the best

family007, Aug 23, 7:52pm
More water. Also you haven't planted where roses have been planted previously? You cannot plant roses in the same spot. Not forgiving!