What bird makes this call.

jhwjhw, Apr 26, 12:24am
Sounds just like"Two"interval"Two"

Any ideas!

rainrain1, Apr 26, 12:45am
a bellbird can

jhwjhw, Apr 26, 1:46am
I thought so, however I looked on Youtube for Bellbird song but heard nothing like that.

graham14, Apr 26, 1:54am
Bell birds have several dialects. They can vary from area to area. They also use different calls. Danger, Morning, night and even different just before it rains. Well at least the ones that live around the 2nd best camping spot in the world do.

mebloodrunsblu, Apr 26, 4:09am
Wax eye!

rainrain1, Apr 26, 4:39am
And the best camping spot in the world is!

graham14, Apr 26, 3:01pm
Ahhhh You would have to join the Christchurch 4WD Club to find that out.

jhwjhw, May 18, 12:51pm
Wouldnt be the site of their annual Xmas Camp, would it!