Alternative to swan plants?

zak410, Mar 9, 1:46am
what other plant would the monarch grub feed on !

matt848, Mar 9, 1:48am
They say you can use a pumpkin - you just need to keep it whole but cut chunks out of it to show the flesh.

When I tried it, they slowly ate it but nothing beats Swan Plants.

I just wish I could get a swan plant to keep growing and not die away when winter comes.

squeaking, Mar 9, 1:49am
we used to feed them pumkin ,worked a treat, there is another relative to the swan plant! try googling it,

lythande1, Mar 9, 1:31pm
There isn't one. The pumpkin thing works sometimes with older caterpillars but isn't really a complete substitute for younger ones.

cantabman1, Mar 9, 2:01pm
they will eat it but wont mettimorphize[ sorry bad spelling there]
anyway, the only think to do is buy more swan plants, or let them starve.

dibble35, Mar 9, 5:59pm
NO, they will eat Kapok vine/moth vine if you can find one, I know its a noxious weed but someone may have them growing as weeds where you could transfer your caterpillars if you're desperate.

smoocher, Mar 9, 9:09pm
This. Yes Moth Vine
It works, the caterpillars eats it and develop normally and turn into butterflys

jellybean010, Mar 9, 9:15pm
Zucchini's:) they seem to like these

cantabman1, Mar 9, 9:21pm
For goodness sake people, who the heck has a Moth vine.
As previously stated, get some more swann plants; cost you $4 gees!

mottly, Mar 9, 9:29pm
zucchini's, pumpkins, are all a waste of time, out of about 50, you'll only get half a doz or so that will actually make it.butterfly weed or milkweed's are what you need.if you can find them.

christin, Mar 9, 9:35pm
My neighbour and it keeps working its way here :-(

dibble35, Mar 9, 11:31pm
May be only $4 each, but they are small plants and a good size caterpillar will polish 1 off in a day or 2. If you have a few caterpillars soon adds up.

deathrockboy, Mar 9, 11:40pm
Moth vine can kill the adult butterflies too.
There are a few other Asclepias species which are sometimes available which they will feed on too.
The butterflies will lay eggs on a bunch of other Apocynaceae plants but the caterpillars will die as they can't eat the leaves. Pachypodium springs to mind. Lots of eggs on mine one year, but leaves weren't touched.

smoocher, Mar 9, 11:53pm
Im only answering the OP question as to what alternatives there are to swan plants.
Tweedia is another plant, but hard to get and probably twice the price of swan plants.
Moth vine grows wild on many industrial sites.

frag, Apr 11, 2:55pm
There is a perennial plant has orange flowers. Thats a bit vague.but if you ask at a garden centre they may know! It gets referred to as perennial swan plant.