We have a large area of pine decking which we have recently waterblasted as it was badly covered in mould etc.,and would now like to put some kind of sealer/finish on it.What would be the best product to use!Oil! Paint! Varnish!Would be grateful for all suggestions.
Jan 28, 10:25pm
Any ideas anyone!
Jan 28, 10:37pm
something that 'feeds' the timber and protects it, oil, it will soak in, repeat every now and then.
Jan 28, 10:52pm
cabots decking and furniture oil works well.get it from mitre10
Jan 29, 12:16am
First of all I'd spray it with a 50/50 mix of bleach (Janola, etc) and water. This will help kill the mould spores that waterblasting can force down into the wood. Then leave for a day or overnight to soak in. This should stop the mould reappearing under your timber sealant where not perfectly sealed.
Yep absolutely it just changes the colour of the mould, the stuff still keeps growing.By all means use such a mix but you need to scrub the timber as well.I know it sounds like hardwork but on your knees with goldilocks is an excellent way.
Jan 29, 2:51pm
Please explain WHY almost ALL mold removal products use bleach. Please also explain what "bleach" is made of.
Jan 29, 6:50pm
vinegar is best to combat mould.
Jan 30, 1:23am
Go and get some FeastWatson woodclean, it turns gungie outdoor timber to clean and ready for cabots oil. Just done our back deck and seat, good stuff.
Jan 30, 2:27pm
Would it get the remains of paint off my deck. The neighbour thought he was doing me a good turn by painting my deck for me. I was horrified as I wanted to stain it. I have water blasted as much as I can get off but I guess I have to get the rest off as it will show through. How can I get every little bit off!
Feb 1, 12:47am
No it won't take paint off, so get a envio good paint stripper and use that. It is not good to water blast too much as it makes the wood "hairy". Get a container of stripper and see how far that goes taking the paint off and get another if required. Use a very stiff nylon broom to scrub the stripper about and wash off the residue, let dry and oil it. the oil is clear and won't cover paint.
Feb 1, 2:54am
Is the oil better than a stain. Forgive me as I dont know much about these things. In my 60's. LOL.
Feb 22, 1:15am
Oil is a finishing product and can be coloured to give a particular look to the wood, pine will enhance the pine colour and look. A stain is usuallya colouring agent that you apply to wood to colour it then use a varnish over ot. Oil stains do a finishing job while colouring the wood. Go find a good paint retailer who can explain all the products that is available in the market, usually a Guthrie Bowron or the likes, some of the big retailers don't always have the expertise in store and are happy for you to buy whatever you think you need as opposed to others who ensure you have what you need to do the job.
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