Free grazing in Lincoln CHch- help please

chevauchee, Jan 23, 5:29pm
i have 8 acres and need some one to bring in stock to clean up property for me. Any help would be appreciated . We live 3-4 minutes past Lincoln township cheers

lindylambchops1, Jan 23, 6:55pm
My cousin lives in Lincoln!Do you have a Facebook page!Post your request there too.

lindylambchops1, Jan 23, 6:58pm
Just sent my cousin a message to ask if she knows anyone

chevauchee, Jan 23, 11:09pm
hi sorry i dont have a face book page but thanks

aloha3, Jan 24, 9:21pm
try the farming forum

lindylambchops1, Jan 24, 10:31pm
cousin hasn't replied yet

lindylambchops1, Jan 24, 10:31pm
Put up a notice in the local supermarket, library, doctors surgery etc

butland, Jan 26, 2:54am
Have you posted in pets and animals !

guest, May 25, 6:05am
Hi do you still have any grazing? i have 6, 7 week old calves nad im looking for somewhere to graze them. thank you, you can contact me on 0221284010