Burning MDF Board

hazelthecat, Apr 30, 2:25pm
I have the remains of an old pantry sitting in the shed. Can I safely burn painted mdf in a log fire? Option 2 is to dump it.

jenny188, Apr 30, 2:33pm
Yes as its just a form of pressed sawdust. Not the greatest for heat output and there will be some burning paint smell, but as you are burning it in a logburner, most of the odour will go up the chimney

oh_hunnihunni, Apr 30, 5:11pm
Just be careful. It's not just pressed sawdust, it's also glues including formaldehyde which are not good in the environment. Anyone who's done a winter in Taupo can tell you the stuff stinks once burned. As an occasional addition not a problem, but putting a load through can cause problems.

hazelthecat, Apr 30, 7:13pm
Thanks guys - a little at a time. Saves going to the landfill

flancrest, Apr 30, 7:23pm
Have some consideration for the neighbours. burning painted materials, and MDF with it’s binders, smells terrible and is quite toxic.

..james.., Apr 30, 8:11pm
thats not a good thing to burn at all! Wouldn't want to live down wind, or open your fireplace door either Im sorry.

daves01, Apr 30, 8:33pm
Just make sure it is windy so everyone can smell it

mansonprincess, Apr 30, 8:42pm
haha yip i burnt mine but not all at once, i just mixed it in with firewood -

happychappy50, Apr 30, 8:49pm
Done the same,mixed in with my usual firewood,otherwise it would end up in landfill via the bin

mack77, Apr 30, 9:11pm
The manufacturers of wood burners all say that you should not burn it. I think that the combustion products of the chemicals it it may cause corrosion of your wood-burner.

peacebird15, Apr 30, 9:20pm
Dont do it, take it to the landfill

supernova2, May 1, 12:59am
Leave it out in the rain and it will turn to mush. Shovel it up and put it in your weekly rubbish bin.

mrfxit, May 1, 9:47am
If you must burn it, only add small pieces at any one time & only when the fire is running hot.
Partical boards stink & smoke badly when burned at low temps or in bulk + need the higher temps to help burn off the glues etc properly.
Once burning properly, will give out some pretty good heat

kacy5, May 1, 4:05pm
Leave it out at the gate, someone will have a use for it as they did for one I had. The Pest Control man saw it in the heap to dump and grabbed it for the plants he was repotting, just what he wanted he said.

oh_hunnihunni, Nov 17, 10:18am
Enough to burn out a flue. A lesson once learned never forgotten.