Lessons learned the hard way.

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smoocher, Jan 14, 10:57pm
when using super glue do not squeeze the tube so hard that the glue squirts out the bottom of the tube, because the nozzle is clogged. Do not then, try and wipe the glue off with paper towels, because the phone has started ringing. The result is paper towels glued to fingers, hands, and telephone receiver.

whangacomp, Jan 15, 1:29am
watch what your 3 year old son can climb, ours climbed on top of the tv, decided he had to go to the toilet, and urinated on top of the tv while it was on, result one dead tv and very lucky to be not hurt son, had fun explaining this to the insurance company

goodbooks, Jan 15, 3:36am
Great thread.

malone4, Jan 15, 3:58am

Never ever lift a motor bike up by the back wheel or the frame near the chain when placing it on a trailer.you may lose a finger or 2.

malone4, Jan 15, 4:07am
And when removing corrugated iron from a roof or fence use a long handled spade and slide it under the iron to pop the nails up. it will save bashing holes in the iron with the claw hammer if you are wanting to use it for something else.

malone4, Jan 15, 4:31am
ha! this reminds me of when I once attempted to make a pavlova but only had a hand powered egg beater. It wasnt beating fast enough so I had cut the handle off and attached it to the end of an electric drill.

WWell!. it went.with a hiss and a roar and I made a pav-neva.
the beater twisted into the prettiest metal sculpture though but lucky i didnt lose an eye.

bradfam, Jan 15, 1:39pm
gotta keep this going! weall need the laugh.Never climb a ladder holding a cordless drill especially when close to a window! (yes I did and yes it did make a hell of a mess inside and out!)

wares, Jan 15, 2:12pm
When 'recipro' sawing through an interior wall, make sure you find out where the wires are. Not all houses are wired 'north/south' - 'east/west'. Blown fuses, recipro saw tooth melted & luckily still standing!

crackerjack19, Jan 15, 2:29pm
Im sure that there are many tales that could be told about Wellington and it's well known blustery winds but being a new comer in early 60s I was not aware. I was working on a school construction job and was carrying a long piece of timber from the stack to the job. I moved out of the shelter of another buiding into a very sudden and strong wind.The ensuing spin as one end went into shelter and the other into the wind would have made any ice skater green with envy.Come to think of it I was pretty sick too and trying like hell to look cool!

bethel1, Jan 16, 12:16am
When sudden big wind blows up and you remove the ladder to ensure it doesn't drop on your new glass pool fence make sure the MOTH is not still up there (large flat roof means impossible to see if anyone up there) - a lot of banging on the roof later.

pico42, Jan 16, 1:36am
And when replacing a bike engine, before putting it up on a crate as a temp stand first make sure that a) the side stand isn't out and b) you have shoes on. otherwise you can rip out some toe nails when the bike rolls off the crate and the sidestand catches you foot.

kuaka, Jan 16, 2:24am
and my hubby would tell the story of the time he lent a mate an electric drill whilst on the marina.He was just about to tell the mate to make sure it was switched off before plugging it in, but too late.The drill was on the pontoon close to the edge, the mate plugged it in, flipped the switch and the drill took off and went "plop" into the sea.Electric drills don't swim and they don't work after their dunking!

catzwhiskaz, Jan 16, 2:41am
dont leave kids, cat and a bucket of paint in the same room.The kids who were in the garage decided it would be funny to set the cat run - after putting all four paws into the bucket of paint - pawprints all through the garage up the driveway and across vinyl floor.

casey15, Jan 16, 3:02am
Don't put your new sunglasses on the grass when you stop to adjust the lawnmower.

casey15, Jan 16, 3:04am
It's probably a good idea to disconnect the car battery before attempting certain repairs otherwise your car might burst into flames.

kuaka, Jan 16, 3:38am
Re #120 - actually, now I come to think of it, the tool which went for a swim wasn't an electric drill but an electric sander.They don't like swimming much either, and seawater renders them useless.

hmck, Jan 16, 1:00pm
When you decide to spray the lawn with Turfix (which kills weeds not grass) be sure you grabbed the Turfix to mix up in the sprayer - not the Roundup.Oops.Well - it worked really well gettign rid of the weeds.

voganchch, Jan 16, 1:25pm
Unless you like paint fumes When using enamel paint don't go to bed straight after you have finished as the fumes will keep you awake all night.

kenny17, Jan 16, 2:32pm
When doing an oil change. make sure the old rubber gasket is off the filter bracket.Two gaskets on top of one and other do not make a good seal,3 or 4 litres of oil on the floor is not a pretty sight.I know, .I was that Man.lo

nic48, Jan 16, 2:50pm
if you are surprised that a pink kitchen . has turned up when green was specified, check with the client before installing the whole thing - then it can be sent back for respraying without being installed and uninstalled first.

daleaway, Jan 16, 4:55pm
Here's Snopes on the barrel-of-bricks story. I remember when Gerard Hoffnung recorded his version of it in the 1950s, it was never off radio request sessions. But it's a lot older than that:

haagen4, Jan 16, 10:06pm
do not keep the chlorine for the spa pool next to the laundry powder! If by chance you use it by mistake, do NOT endevour to make the best of the situation, by putting your dirty washing in the spa and turning on the bubbles as this will p*ss off the wife!

rhos1, Jan 17, 2:34am
Just had a catchup read - lovely. Is there some way this could be published in time for next Christmas gift shopping!!

hammer23, Jan 17, 2:35am
true story I saw this happen. I was working on a commercial building in courtney place wgtn and the building maitance manager was a short fat rolly polly !@#$%^ *&^ who no one liked.On this day he stood on the footpath waving his arms at the painter and told him to jump down from one plank to the one below which he did. Only problem was on the other end of the plank was an oppened tin of paint which went straight up in the air and dropped vertically not spilling a drop till it hit the footpath right along side Mr No Friends where it went off like a bomb and covered him just as you would seee in a slap stick movie,the painter become the sites hero and I,m not sure what happened to the maitaince manager.

redden39, Jan 17, 2:51am
This thread is like diarrhoea. Dead funny when it happens to someone else.