Lessons learned the hard way.

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qchick1, Sep 20, 6:39am
AWsome Sitting hear reading this brought to mind the time my MM & his father built our gargage - but put the tin on upside down.
Figured out it was wrong once shed almost completed -morale of the story read the instructions (first!)

hazelnut2, Sep 20, 4:41pm
when replacing rotten guttering which had fallen off garage, and looking down drainpipe and seeing a leaf, DO try to hook it out first and do NOT assume the pipe is blocked with many leaves and cut it off near the bottom to flush it out!Only one leaf blocked pipe, which would have taken 2 secs to clear, but getting a joint to fit the pipe back together took hours!

sophiesmum5, Sep 21, 3:30am
After not having quite enough dishwashing powder to put in the dishwasher do not put a squirt of dishwashing liquid in the machine to top it up. Bubbles for Africa.

firefly001, Sep 21, 5:05am
I did that at work when I was the OJ - no one found out though whew

laurenlee, Sep 21, 2:06pm
Hanging out washing, needing free hands and putting pegs in your mouth!You know those plastic pegs with a steel spring!Do not put one in your mouth while hanging out the washing.When friend went to take it out of her mouth,the plastic broke and the steel spring latched on to her tongue--Absolutely True! After attempts with pliers and whatever they could think of,DH who couldnt stop laughing drove her to the doctors-the waiting room was full of patients,who grasped what had happened and fell about laughing.She will never put a peg in her mouth again.Ever!

peanuts, Sep 23, 3:46am
Going going No not yet. Bump

masturbidder, Sep 23, 4:00am
When pipes have been stored outside. check for mouse-nests before bringing them in the house!

bev00, Sep 24, 4:52am
saving for other life saving tips

kuaka, Sep 24, 5:58am
When reversing down a steep driveway it's a good idea to remove the chock from behind the front wheel first.I couldn't understand why the van was so "sluggish" and what the grating noise was.After three attempts the penny dropped and I had to drive up again to release the chock which was firmly wedged behind the wheel.Looked around to make sure hubby hadn't seen me.No problems.Didn't mention it when I got home.About 3 days later when we got in the van to go out he said "did you find it difficult trying to reverse down the drive with the chock still behind the wheel!"

legoagogo, Sep 24, 5:59am
Removing posts from the ground Require a length of heavy chain, block and tackle and a spare post- pref half round. Wrap a length of heavy chain firmly around the base of the post to be removed and secure. Put the hook of the block in the chain and the chain end of the block under the half round. Have not meet a post that won't come out.

Now for the funny- do not let 2 YO see that the RED sample pot of paint is hidden under the front pax seat. It went over the carpet and front pax seat, then nice tiny RED foot prints up the hall of the rented house. Opps

dgluved, Sep 25, 7:40pm
Back to the top!

the_family_man, Oct 1, 2:56am
Always view items before you bid on them

the_family_man, Oct 1, 3:03am
Or at least the big ticket items being sold by traders who have even a couple of negatives regardless of how many hundreds of postives they have.

oopie, Oct 1, 7:25pm
When you have bought a larger grinder disk And removed the 'saftey cover' so it fits, when it has worn down enough so the safety cover will fit, put it back on.Whatever you do, don't give it to Not DIY inclined hubby to use for only his second time on a grinder. Grinding disks go through fingers like a hot knife through butter.

bradfam, Oct 1, 8:32pm
Ow! no 633! made me flinch just reading it!

dingo011, Oct 2, 8:38pm
When felling 25 metre tree Be aware two 100kg men pulling on a rope will not stop it falling the wrong way onto the retirement village laundry. Don't ever under estimate the fury of 30 oldies with nowhere to wash clothes for 4 days while said laundry is re built by you!

pc_nut, Oct 3, 6:48am
bump i love this thread

jmpcwiz, Oct 4, 3:53am
bump :D

planet_replant, Oct 4, 6:01am
Do NOT Throw the roll of carpet into the walking path through your studio because you are in a hurry one day then walk from the sunny day into the dark room with your shades on the next day because when you hit the wall with and graze your chin and at the same time all but crack a knee cap on the concrete floor its a VERY painfull experience. The up side is you will NEVER do that again LOL this experience actually pulled genuine sympathy from my teenage son who witnessed it happening from behind me LOL

planet_replant, Oct 4, 6:05am
Do NOT leave the hammer on top of the folding ladder, then pull the ladder toward you to move it as the G Force of the movement makes the hammer travel forward very fast into your head.

planet_replant, Oct 4, 6:06am
ok. the hammer one happened to a mate.but it reads better with the explaination here lol

cp.71, Oct 4, 8:11pm
Gum trees 1 - Peppermint gum tree. Gave some logs to a neighbour. Because it it a relatively light timber, he thought it was the same as pine, and he filled up his heater with the now dry peppermint gum. I knew there was a problem when I could see a jet like fire about two meters long from the top of his chimney. So. I go over to point this out. His family were all in shorts and t-shirts. It was SO hot inside. His chimney inside was glowing. Next night he put a small log in.

hobbitelf, Oct 5, 12:45am
Bump. For posterity! (and light relief from own DIY disasters!)

cinnamon_celia, Oct 5, 5:16pm
When a friend has been digging for hours trying to get the roots of a very large old shrub to give, so she can pull it out, it was a great idea to tell her to wrap a tow rope around it, hitch it to the tow bar of the car & pull it out! Forgetting to remind her NOT to slam the car in gear & roar off at high speed, causing the shrub to suddenly pop out of the garden, catapault over the top of the car, over the neighbours fence, & through their large picture window, was not such a great idea!

kaydubya, Oct 5, 5:21pm
#638 "Bugger"