Lessons learned the hard way.

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lovelurking, Jan 5, 1:02am
Always turn the power off at the mains when working on hot water cylinders.

redden39, Jan 5, 1:04am
If you like to live on the edge: remove that fireproof stuff that is screwed to the wall behind a woodburner.Extra thrills can be achieved from leaving a glass coffee table nearby and by not having any plan for removing the screws in order and for doing it without a helper.Once it comes away from the wall, it will start to bend and no amount of panic and holding on will prevent it snapping across the width and crashing onto the glass coffee table.Spectacular results achieved with higher ceilings.

redden39, Jan 5, 1:13am
It is not necessary to strip old wallpaper before putting up the new lot.Eight layers of wallpaper provide excellent acoustic and thermal insulation.In fact, I bet you didn't realise that filling holes in the walls (even fairly decent sized holes) is not at all necessary.You can just wallpaper over them.

krames, Jan 5, 1:14am
never assume the drop saw is set at zero degrees.esp if more than 1 using it.

pc_nut, Jan 5, 2:08am
wow this thread is a year old and still kicking

peanuts, Jan 5, 2:24am
Leaking para pool If your 4 x 7 m para pool gets a leak just let the water level go down by its self prior to repairing. If you try to dive under the water with sticking patch to fix it before level drops you end up with a nice plastic glue patch on your hairy arm and a partner that just about wet himself trying to remove it.

kuaka, Jan 5, 2:39am
today I was reminded of an experience I would not wish to repeat.Hubby and I were away on the boat, and had caught a nice fish - a "smoker" as he called it.After a long day fishing, he in his wisdom decided against going ashore to smoke the fish, and thought he would do it in the cockpit of the boat.He set a large piece of ply on the cockpit floor put the smoker with the fish on top of the ply, and lit the meths.Not long into the smoking process there were very large flames licking around the outside of the smoker, and we realised that the ply was on fire.The wind had blown the flame from the meths onto the ply and set the ply alight.Luckily we had a bucket handy and an unlimited amount of sea water, so we soon doused the fire, but it's probably just as well we hadn't gone below for a nap while the fish was smoking.We still have the piece of ply with the charred square with two nice unburnt circles on it just as a reminder.

cinderellagowns, Jan 5, 3:23am
OhStop, stop! My husband keeps giving me dirty looks and saying "What is so bl##dy funny, woman!!"

cinderellagowns, Jan 5, 3:29am
Her'e my lesson for the day. When returning to your freshly painted turn of the century villa that has been painstakingly rennovated and re-painted over many weeks - DO NOT I repeat DO NOT allow your excitable dog with the bushy tail to be the frist into the house. Also, if he must rush into the house first, ensure that any paint cans, brushes and various painting related parphernalia are firmly secured/put away. The radius of "spatter" that can be achieved by a fully loaded "tail" at full speed is quite something to behold.

krames, Jan 5, 3:40am
that tkes me back if you do a concrete pour thats going to be seen make sure all the animals are tied up ect-untill it goes off.cat prints at the front door strip isnt a great feature.the two dogs were tied up and the owner said the cat is too lazy to go outside ital be fine,then next morning it sure was a minties moment.

redden39, Jan 5, 3:53am
cinderellagowns I had to wipe the tears from my eyes too.The funnier ones are the ones that happened to other people.

juliewn, Jan 5, 5:19am
And when a large tree branch breaks and it's necessary to use a ladder and chainsaw to cut the fallen and still partly attached part off the tree, do NOThave the ladder placed just on the tree side of the break - cos when the last half of the branch is removed and the weight comes off the remaining branch that the ladder is leaning against, it will fly upwards. The ladder will drop - and man and chainsaw fall to the ground. Result: Ladder twisted - and a man with plaster and crutches with a broken leg.

pukeho, Jan 5, 1:23pm
when checking the lawnmower oil, make sure the lawn mower is not running first, and when hubbie is up ladder, and asks you to hold it , dont start day dreaming and forget, untilthe ladder slips and he falls off, he was not impresed,yes I am a woman , and yes I am blonde

lilyfield, Jan 5, 2:14pm
this was my mornings funnys nothing ever happened to me level headed dumb blond.

pico42, Jan 5, 4:26pm
Thank god some others posted in here.

bullnzl, Jan 5, 4:27pm
when layingconcrete especially a huge 15 x 10 metre slab for your lovely bbq area keep cats inside.and when cat does escape the house, and wander across the concrete to see what you are doing, do not yell and scream at it at the top of your lungs.Cat will swiftly turn on the spot (making a decent size dent in the middle of the just about cured concrete) It will then run in several different directions through the center of the concrete just out of your reach, until it finds an escape route.

bullnzl, Jan 5, 4:28pm
the good old one measure twice - cut once.personally I wish dh would learn measure 3 times.

bullnzl, Jan 5, 4:30pm
when putting in a new shower try it out before lining walls with hardiglaze and tiles.it is amazing how one can forget to crimp one little tiny pipe - and how much water can come out of that one pipe.

aeromo, Jan 5, 4:34pm
when doing diy with hubbie In particular a cobblestone path, be very careful when mentioning that the design isn't quite what you had in mind or at least duck to avoid flying cobbles.

vix.tribe, Jan 5, 5:11pm
When building a house. don't put your cell phone on a dwang while the gib is being put up.

shula2, Jan 5, 5:32pm
Shower taps When removing the chrome cap on a high pressure shower tap ensure that it IS the chrome dome that is turning and NOT the entire head, because when you panic and hold a towel over the opening you will discover that you are standing under the shower head and there is very little that you can do about that except shout and panic just a little bit more than you ever thought possible

hutchk, Jan 5, 5:58pm
#51 I've done that too! Was a house I'd only been in a few weeks, and I had no idea where the water toby was. When I eventually found it I ended up in the front yard saoking wet in the middle of winter digging down to find the tap with my bare hands. Thank god I could shut the shower box in the interim or we would've had serious flooding.

redden39, Jan 5, 11:14pm
Do not ever try to do an oil change yourself. The first person who thought it a good idea to teach me was aa aircraft engineer ex Air NZ so you'd think he'd know a thing or two.Drained the oil, took the old filter off, flushed the system, put the new filter on and filled it all up with 4 litres of oil.Then, he told me to turn the engine on to run the new oil.Problem was, he did not tighten the filter enough and the newly started engine blew the filter off and four litres of oil gushed over his driveway.I nearly fell into the garden laughing.Wasn't so funny having to walk to the servo to get more oil as his car was parked in front of mine.He was so anal about housework that the thought of him cleaning that mess up nearly killed me.Would have been cheaper and quicker for me to get it done at the mechanic.

redden39, Jan 5, 11:18pm
Second attempt at teaching me to change my own oil: I bought the new filter, flash oil tray and oil as another friend offered to show me how to do it.The filter was a bit stubborn at coming off so he knew this handy trick.He got a hammer and screwdriver and hammered the screwdriver into the filter to get leverage.Damned thing still would not budge.I was stuck with a disabled car until another friend's father came around with some simple strape and bit of pipe arrangement, got the old one off and finished the job.I still have the drip tray as a momento and even shipped it back from Perth with my other stuff but I am not keen to let another man show me how I could save heaps by changing the oil and filter myself.

redden39, Jan 5, 11:26pm
If selling your house and some of the wallpaper is lifting, use SuperGlue if you have no PVA or wallpaper paste to hand.