Lessons learned the hard way.

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sooby, May 21, 6:13am
when its the middle of winter and its raining & blowing a gail outside, an enterprising cat can turn a bean bag into a toilet instead of going outside & getting wet!

punkinthefirst, May 21, 6:26am
(From aeons ago) When you smell burning fur, check that your fluffy cat hasn't caught his tail on fire (again) in the open fire. and put the tail fire out before he wakes up and is almost impossible to catch!

e_babe, May 21, 7:04pm
When painting the ceiling in the toilet do not close the lid on the toilet then stand in middle of said lid expecting it to hold you.

punkinthefirst, May 21, 7:21pm
And if you do, despite above warning don't be surprised if, when your foot buckles the lid, and you fall into the bowl, the whole damned thing tips over, scattering you, paint, loaded brush and toilet water, and breaking a great hole in the wall, into the bargain!

bradfam, May 21, 8:04pm
hey you blokes! listen to the girl sometimes! and ladies listen to your gut - you are usually right!Hubby and mate spent hours on the roof searching for the leak, heaps of silicone, sheets of extra iron - all to no avail.Wouldn't listen to us females of course (what do girls know!)Got up there myself yesterday. you guessed it a bit of female logic and hey presto!the leak is found and fixed - go girl power!

aredwood, May 22, 4:36am
Dont stand on a ceramic hob. To paint the kitchen celing, It wasnt me who did that, Another job I did as a Plumber/Gasfitter. (Installing a replacement gas hob)

bradfam, May 22, 10:18pm
and again bump bump!

bluecat1529, May 22, 10:55pm
8 HUNDY! Never, ever eat a huge chicken tikka and a garlic naan the night before going to work on a site with no water on.

chchliz, May 24, 3:18am
Bump Bump!

hezwez, May 25, 5:55am
Bump for the.

hezwez, May 25, 5:55am
5 hundy.

henderson_guy, May 26, 4:26am
where to start. when using primer on a new house which includes coloursteel cladding, be careful when climbing down scaffold NOT to spill entire contents of paint tray (enamel undercoat) all down coloursteel and joinery.and if you do, DONT use a hose to try and wash paint off the wall (not my mistake but a clients).

henderson_guy, May 26, 4:30am
Also ensure that drainlayers on site cover the big hole in the middle of the driveway with something a little more substantial than a sheet of gib. When cutting a hole in the floor ensure the lead from the skilsaw is out of the way first. When the boss has your brand new extention lead running up the stairwell and then installs the stairs, make sure he realises that while the lead will easily pass through the 20mm gap, the plug at the end of it will not. (bye bye lead)

henderson_guy, May 26, 4:34am
still more when the hired post hole borer suddendly splutters and dies, it saves some embarrassment if, before accusing the hire centre staff of having a poor product, you make sure it simply hasn't run out of fuel. When a window doesn't fit into the hole in the wall, a sledgehammer is NOT the answer. A full barrow of concrete and a muddy downhill slope do not mix.

henderson_guy, May 26, 4:39am
and yet more let your boss know that it is not a good idea to reverse a trailer down a steep hill when the driveway is covered with sand. It is not a good idea to cut large polystyrene blocks with a chainsaw - although the kids loved all the "snow" up the street when they finished school. It is a good idea not to let sub-contractors plaster a wall directly over the clients expensive exposed river-pebble aggregate driveway with dark rainclouds overhead

henderson_guy, May 26, 4:41am
and finally. slighty off-topic, but when you are using a scrub cutter to get rid of gorse, check first that the neighbour has not thrown his kids pet white rabbit into the middle of the bush to avoid a nasty mess.

camino, May 26, 4:10pm
NEVER help your husband renovate. When he refuses to take your advice and it all turns to custard he will blame you! Go shopping when husbands are renovating! LOL

fastfreddy, May 27, 12:11am
excuse my ignorance. but what does "bump' mean!

pico42, May 27, 1:52am
fastfreddy - the threads in the MB are listed in order starting with those with the latest post. Over time, threads without further posts tend to drop to the bottom of the list. Posting "bump" adds another post and thus bumps the thread back to the top of the list.

fastfreddy, May 27, 6:25am
bump! Thanks 'pico42'!

sooby, May 29, 2:16am
make sure your car is out of range when you are trying to clear the nozzle of a spray paint can!

toothypegs, May 29, 6:33pm
Oh hutchk you should write a book!I haven't laughed so much in ages!

allyandtim, May 29, 10:46pm
just love this been a while since i was here so finding this thread again priceless

jennyp2, Jun 1, 3:51am
Don't spray tomatoes ( or anything precious) with the same sprayer as you use for roundup, even if you think it's been wasned properly! They don't like it.

david.b, Jun 1, 4:42am
We use tank water I painted part of the veranda roof a lovely dark green colour.As the forecast was fine for the next couple of days,I kept painting until late afternoon, the autumn sun was out, a gentle breeze was blowing, the paint would dry quite quickly.I knew that the down pipes had to be disconnected for the next couple of wet days to stop contaminates getting into the water tank, but the weather was fine for a couple of days so tomorrow would do.Well at 5.20 a.m. down came a heavy rain shower, the paint had not dried and about half of my painting washed off the roof and into the water tank.All of our water, including drinking water was now GREEN.A cup of tea made with green paint water has a unique taste!We are using bottles of water from our neighbours tank, until the paint water is flushed out of the tank.