Lessons learned the hard way.

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sooby, Mar 9, 3:00am
make sure when you are using a weedwhacker, that the tee shirt you are wearing isn't too loose to be caught & sucked into the motor. This causes endless ribbing & weeds to grow even longer while the weedwhacker is in shop getting remnants of the shirt out, d'oh!

aegis888, Mar 9, 3:10am
Always think about how you are going to get your furnishings up stairs before you finish building your two story home when the only way up stairs is by a spiral staircase.

nitpnz, Mar 10, 1:37pm
warehouse outdoors tables warning don't fill their legs with sand to stop them being blown about by wind if you need to move them after you have the top loaded with bbqed food ready to eat

cinnamon_celia, Mar 10, 3:24pm
When applying BOILING water to weeds, on a brick & shingled stepped path, do NOT stand in bare feet on the step below!.A 58 yr old woman, of large & impressive frame, doing something that vaguely approximates Irish Dancing, is not a pretty sight.although the neighbours seemed to enjoy it!

pc_nut, Mar 10, 6:55pm
hahaha omg that must've been funny

jrnhot49, Mar 11, 1:23am
when filling wheelbarrow from concrete mixer (truck) shute make sure barrow fills front on not side on. big mess as force of concrete pushs said barrow over

peanuts, Mar 11, 3:10am
Bump Please give me some more.

dave309, Mar 12, 2:13am
Very good lots of good advice here

decorator72, Mar 12, 4:03am
If you take down a ceiling light so you can spray the ceilings, do not assume that the wires are not live when you put it back up just because the light switch by the door is in the OFF position. Two way switches! Who'd of thunk it. Good way to wake you up at 6 am

sooby, Mar 13, 2:52am
this happened a while back Our company's new showhome was due to open & I decided I'd be clever one Saturday & let the good missus have a look before it was finished & had the official opening. I unlocked the door & took one step inside quickly to race for the alarm, when whoosh, my feet flew out from under me! It turns out the concrete floor was being sealed before the timber overlay flooring went down, unfortunately I had no idea. By the time I had time to say 'what the!!' & realize what was happening, all I could hear was my wife screaming in hysterical fits of laughter! Any chance of keeping the situation quiet was gone & we had a few neighbours look our way. It was a very messy ride home. I can laugh about it now tho

sooby, Mar 15, 5:04pm
anyone else have any more stories!

stevee6, Mar 15, 5:37pm
One just this morning(husband's lesson I'm glad to say!) If/when you take a window out of its frame, don't lean it against the house for even five minutes. Gust of wind + a few bits of wood lying around in a heap(no, I don't know what for) = smashed glass/glass on deck/in grass/garden/you name it!

1rosco, Mar 16, 3:48am
Ok, heres one! When you pour petrol down a rat hole and set light to it check that the rat hole leads away from the barn and not to it!

naphtha, Mar 16, 10:31pm
Good one I'll use that one on Guy Faulkes Day, to save buying crackers etc.

hutchk, Mar 16, 10:46pm
Further to #334. .when renovating a mid 50's house and removing casement stays from windows for painting purposes, check the weather forecast. Sudden gusts of wind will fling the window frame back on its hinges at 100mph. The resulting cracked frame and shattered glass takes many hours to fix, and the woman from AMI will laugh at you when you tell her what happened.

1rosco, Mar 16, 10:58pm
This just happened yesturday! we bought a glass house from the Kumeu show (Winter gardern to be exact)But we haven't had time to anchour it down to the frame that goes into the ground yet,well the wind came up and you guessed it the whole thing was up lifted and tumbled-just picking up the pieces today

peanuts, Mar 17, 4:08am
If you are to short for the painting job you are doing, do not use the full 10ltr buckets to stand on unless you have checked the lids are on correctly before standing on them. If you decide not to check then ensure you have bare feet and are wearing shorts.

peanuts, Mar 17, 4:32am
Garage tilting doors When your door won't open and seems to be stuck, don't just keeping banging the door trying to get it open. My advise is to go to the front of the garage door to see what the problem is and if it is your wife's car run like hell.

peanuts, Mar 17, 4:35am
If walking though the bush do not pull on any vines that are hanging down in an attempt to look like Tarzan. The vine will come down usually with half a ton of leaf litter onto you.

peanuts, Mar 17, 2:07pm
bump keep it coming, please

peanuts, Mar 17, 6:40pm
More stories please, I was laughing so much yesterday, I need a daily dose of this.

makerealbany, Mar 17, 7:41pm
Hey 1rosco Laughed about the rat holes. Years ago we moved to a really delapidated house on 12 acres. Garage had only a dirt floor and the previous owner kept her sow in there. Rats were the size of cats I swear. Hubby and son did the petrol down the hole trick and we all had to race out of the garage as the whole floor caught fire. We all had a hell of a good laugh about it and Hubby got his concrete floor the very next week.

makerealbany, Mar 17, 7:46pm
When you are fixing the water pipe into the trough don't overbalance and grab the wire fence which happens to be electrified. You end up on your ar-- studying the horizon with a stupid look on your face and your family running around trying to look sympathetic.

nimmicky, Mar 18, 1:35am
When doing baking its best not to grab the can of flyspray instead of the canola oil spray.
Hubby came in at the same moment and queried why I was trying to kill him.lol.

echoriath, Mar 18, 4:17am
When turning on an electric hob make sure you know WHICH hob you are turning on, AND make sure a pyrex casserole dish is NOT sitting on the hob you turn on. My lovely wife woke me up to the tune of my large pyrex dish going KKRRRSSSHHHH all over the kitchen. Luckily no glass in eyes or anything, but Mr. 3 was quite surprised at the mess mum made. I was pulling bits of glass from the far reaches of the kitchen for the rest of the time we were in that apt. All for a cuppa.