Lessons learned the hard way.

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gingerlime, Feb 21, 8:14pm
Oh hutchk it was just giving you a cactus hug.Didn't you remember.Love Hurts!Pmsl

shrekle, Feb 22, 1:27am
ok a couple more A workmate did this, and no not all in one day:1 Had an exhaust gas analyser plugged into the back of his own car and backed out of the workshop.it was attached to a $35,000 tunescope which tipped over and smashed.2Let the hoist down on a wheel he had just taken off a car and fired it accross the workshop at about 100mph, 3 Took a car for a test drive with no aircleaner on and engine backfiring through carb and burnt the hole front of the car

naphtha, Feb 22, 1:43am
I think he used to work with us. He must be working his way round NZ, garage by garage

shrekle, Feb 22, 1:47am
ohh yeah thats right many years ago when I was a lad I had an exhaust pipe rattle in my car so I wedged a piece of steel in(about the size of the average hand)to stop that annoying noise. So we are cruising down the motorway 30 mins later a mate is following me in his car and "watta ya no" said steel decides he's comin out, hits the road, hits the underside of my car twice then shoots off into the air. now remember.my mates following me and he's watching said steel real close, so close in fact that its come through his windscreen and is now sitting beside him on the passenger seat.now remember where I wedged this. thats right beside the exhaust. so its HOT .DAMN HOT and all he can do is watch it burn his seat untill we stop on the side of the motorway and flick it out. He wasn't very happy , but I thought it was hilarious. ahh those were the days

shrekle, Feb 22, 1:50am
naptha do tell us your stories

lu1, Feb 22, 2:17am
Do not! (message to hubby) store 6 rolls of bailing twine in the roof (just above your bed) and then get your 21 yr old(blonde) daughter to come fetch 1 or 2 rolls cause the baler is running out of twine in the paddock and hurry up please! And yes, the hole is still there.

ntalke, Feb 22, 3:41am
14 year old male, oldstyle electric drill,small drill bit,small object to be drilled,na don't need the vice,bit bites in,breaks,oh blood on finger and the otherside.Mum where is the plaster,what have you done ,put the drill through my finger, I can still hear her now

makerealbany, Feb 22, 4:23am
Once upon a time This solo country gal heard a racket in the night. Races outside with torch to see a ferret which had half of it's body through the wire netting being pecked at by a bantam hen protecting her week old chicks. She grabs the axe of the tree stump nearby, swings, chops the ferret in half and cuts so deep she goes right through the waterpipe she had labouriously put in earlier that day. At lest the chicks survived and she had sharpened that axe really well.

36michelle, Feb 22, 4:46am
Don't pour the concrete for your front entrance way in the morning when your wife has arranged your childs 3rd birthday party at your house for that afternoon, 3 yr olds do not retain information like 'don't go out the front door' once the sugar rush of party food kicks in.

naphtha, Feb 22, 5:40pm
Making complete large cupboard in workshop Always measure access opening to said workshop before starting job. Yes, I had to dismantle the glued/screwed component parts to get it out, and rebuild it, much to the amusement of workmates. Shame!

naphtha, Feb 22, 5:50pm
Tip.In this modern age Always have Cell phone ready to hand if working alone, in out of the way places. Sh!t happens, and phone might be your lifeline.

naphtha, Feb 22, 8:00pm
Oh,and CCC for me as well My 1st.

rhos1, Feb 24, 9:52pm

sooby, Feb 25, 8:21pm
heard this one the other day check irrigation riser heads are all ok before turning water on full. This stop streams of water shooting towards soffits after kids have been playing (read removing) the heads :)

hmck, Feb 25, 8:39pm
Don't encourage your bil to chainsaw down a large shrub in the garden just after you've laid new irrigation in the garden unless you have new risers and hose joiners.Also, when same bil offers to sand your wooden window frames for you, make sure you're there when he starts or he'll take the windows out and start the electric sander on the frames and you'll spend the next 6 months getting sanding dust out of the rest of the house (yes every interior door was open).Don't leave said windows on the ground right behind you when sanding the frames because when you're done you'll step backwards into one of them and break the glass.And finally - don't put your brand new, very small, very expensive cell phone in your large shirt pocket and bend over to watch the colour the paint becomes in the big pail when it's stirred up.Gravity causes the phone to fall exactly in the middle of the paint pail.This is even harder to explain to the insurance co when you put your hand with the watch on it in to get the phone out.

kuaka, Feb 25, 9:43pm
and my guess is that neither the phone nor the watched worked after you'd decided they needed to be a different colour!

nikki38, Feb 26, 2:22am
bump bumpy

sooby, Feb 26, 2:33pm
RE:303 wow! that is some serious bad luck! Hope you get them replaced ok

sooby, Feb 26, 5:36pm
Don't try and replace your old VHF aerial for a new UHF freeview one yourself until you know for sure you can get it all working.Missus most unimpressed with lost channels.

zeta7, Feb 26, 5:55pm
I only need butterfly plasters When doing bathroom up hubby desided it would be cheaper to cut the joiner for wet wall insted of buying another onethat fitted. So off he went with a craft knife.Cut 3 fingers just about to the bone.After a lot of talking go him in van to take to doctors on way to docs got told that I could get butterfly plasters from suppermarket and fix it for them. I drove straigth past with him yelling at me.Stopped a doctors and MADE him get out. Well after much decuson got him in to doctors. Left with 20 sticthers having to back every day for dressings and fingers about 3 times the size and every one at the doctors laughing and a long time getting blood out of the van was told see I told you I only needed butterfly plasters.

spawnofsatan1, Feb 26, 6:30pm
if you have a bottle that seems to be a tad over filled, and is bulging, don't even think to take a peak to see what will happen, slight release of pressure results in screw cap blown off, contents all over ones self and all over ceiling, could not stop laughing after that, the clean up wasn't so funny though, especially considering it was a 2 litre bottle of choclate paste haha

hmck, Feb 26, 8:40pm
At least I can still laugh about it now!I nearly cried at the time) but the new watch is good and so was the new phone!

marte, Feb 26, 11:25pm
When using a ladder Don't lean it against the plastic roof spouting. Make sure both of its feet are in contact with the ground before climbing it. Tie the top end of the ladder to something solid if you are going to use it for a while. Don't lean out any further than your shoulder. Make sure theres nothing on top of it before shifting it. Make sure your fingers are not inside the ladder when you fold it up again.

scruff71, Feb 27, 2:45am
Don't cut onion grass back with a line trimmer without safety glasses- who needs mace!Anyone willing to prove me wrong - I don't think so, lol.
And don't annoy Asian paper wasps with said device - will cause you to drop and break the engine casing of your beloved tool against a rock in your new rockery whilst dancing madly about the garden flailing arms and legs.

hmck, Feb 27, 8:32pm
Oh - I remembered one more! Don't buy an old house with wooden joinery and assume said wooden joinery is waterproof and then waterbalst the outside of the house - much time drying the inside of the house ensued.(No I'm not blonde either - and yes, I did realise after I walked inside I should have checked first)