Lessons learned the hard way.

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angee11, Feb 9, 4:10pm
Don't assume that. the 4 litre pail you picked up from a shelf in the garage is finishing plaster and proceed to patch a hole in the wall with said substance. Apparently tile adhesive comes in a very similar pail. On the bright side, the repair is very flexible.

fester7, Feb 9, 4:35pm
great thread! This is true - don't let townie father in law rescue sons helicopter from top of large tree.Ended up with 3 rakes a broom and all leftover spouting hanging in it.Helicopter still sitting on top like xmas fairy.Never laughed so hard in my life.We have a ladder!

soc_butterfly, Feb 9, 6:39pm

rhos1, Feb 9, 7:30pm

soc_butterfly, Feb 9, 7:31pm

hutchk, Feb 9, 8:13pm
When sanding plaster ensure the dropsheet you carefully taped over the open doorway to prevent gib dust coating the entire house doesn't quietly fall down a few minutes into the job.so quietly in fact that you merrily sand away for half an hour before noticing. Wifey not amused.

rlr29, Feb 10, 1:01am
Don't let tradesman go under your floor within 12 hours of spider poison and baiting. They'll get sick and go get all unconscious.

masturbidder, Feb 10, 3:02am
Move all the vehicles outside before a contractor builds a scaffold on the driveway. His idea of 'yes I think the gap will be wide enough to drive past' was big enough for a motorbike, but the car was trapped for a week.

rhos1, Feb 10, 2:21pm
Taking up gardening, not having done so before, senior person felt that the developing brussell sprouts plants ought to go to the dump as there were little grey growths all over them. In fact it was a very good crop.

sooby, Feb 11, 3:05am
another one from people we knew. when you've spent the time & money replanting gardens around your house, make sure to cover the new plants with a drop sheet BEFORE deciding to spray moss killer on the conservatory window above the garden.

peanuts, Feb 11, 3:24am
bump bumping

leany2, Feb 11, 2:31pm
Do not assume because you had ur baby 1 day that the next day ur light as a feather, so to get a lovely photo of ur sleeping baby you perch youself ontop of the glass coffee table! believe me the photo is not worth it, although a photo of hubbys face when he came 2 c what I was screaming about would of been priceless! Needless 2 say u will no longer have a glass coffee table!

naphtha, Feb 11, 5:14pm
Anyone thought of putting these Gems Into a book format! Would be as good, if not better, than the "TUI,YEAH RIGHT!" book.

hutchk, Feb 11, 6:59pm
As starter of the thread I own the rights which I will happily sell for $50,000.

kuaka, Feb 12, 3:09am
And how much percentage of the royalties would you pay to all the contributors!

nimmicky, Feb 12, 3:41am
Found out that its not such a good idea to burn the rubbish on the farm when the men are doing concrete. The wind was unfortunately blowing their way.

nimmicky, Feb 12, 3:47am
Also wasn't a good idea for hubby to back the car along our short straight driveway while looking straight ahead instead of in the rear vision mirror. he had done this ok before, but forgot he;d parked the tractor in the way before having lunch. It was sort of tucked out of vision by the hedge as we got in the car.lol.It did make its presence felt.

jules., Feb 12, 4:19am
fester7, bahahahahahaha thats great, gave me a good giggle. men dont do ANYTHING the easy way first!

coopers2, Feb 12, 4:54am
When working on someone elses car (especially their prized v8) don't leave your torch on the exhaust manifold and then let them drive home, no it won't fall off onto the road as they back out, yes it will catch on fire about 5 or so mins up the road.

sooby, Feb 12, 4:07pm
one from a client: make sure you double check the pressure sprayer you are using to fertilize your almost award winning quality lawn was not used for round-up on the weeds before spraying, it's surprising how many years work are wiped out so quickly & how many more years it takes to re-establish them.

kuaka, Feb 12, 10:38pm
oh sooby, well we avoided that problem in the past by having two sprayers, one for weeds and one for fertilizing.Lesson to be learned:make sure that when you move house you bring all the garden equipment with you.We managed to leave quite a lot behind including one of the sprayers.Now do we have the weedkiller one or the other one!

pc_nut, Feb 13, 12:30am

firefly001, Feb 13, 12:49am
oh trailers - we went into town one day to get a new washing machine.Hubby thought I backed out the drive rather quickly - well that was because I forgot the trailer was on.Jackknifed into only two fence palings which I replaced for about $5 but still haven't painted a year later (must do that) and hubby spilt a cup of tea all over his crotch - he wasn't really talking to me before the incident and he definitely wasn't afterward either.

firefly001, Feb 13, 12:54am
and if you are new to snail destruction - I do not recommend the salt method, and then composting the salty snail corpses.This will make salty compost but you will probably work this out after you kill a rose and then nothing ever grows there again.

coopers2, Feb 13, 1:19am
speaking of backing vehicles I used hubbies ute and parked it behind my car when I got home. About 5 mins later I had to go back out and jumped into my car and backed straight into his ute right in front of him. He was so angry/stunned/embarrased to be married to such a ditz he couldn't even speak.