What to bate mouse trap with peanut butter failed

mal84, Feb 22, 5:14pm
So I have mice in my kitchen my silly cat brought in live and lost.

Have set traps with peanut butter and haven't caught any. They seem to like junk food. Chewed into a packet of twisties chips and 2 min noodles instead !.

laspaz, Feb 22, 5:18pm
A chocolate button used to be a winner for us when we used them.

rob_man, Feb 22, 5:38pm
Bacon rind makes good bait for them.

wheelz, Feb 22, 5:39pm
Have you got the traps set so that a hair touching them will set them off?
I found that was the answer, some of the mice are so tiny and deft.

lythande1, Feb 22, 6:55pm
Answered your own question.

mkr_ahearn, Feb 22, 7:05pm
we used edam cheese with success, they had the option of a humane trap and ignored it

leeran, Feb 22, 7:44pm
You do know to put trap against the wall right? Mice always stick to a wall when they run. I found the new design traps much more effective than the old ones.

crazynana, Feb 23, 4:57pm
The trap needs to be near the wall or under furniture and you need to bait it with something like bacon rind covered with the peanut butter so the mouse has to chew at it. This causes the trap to go off.

rovertniloc, Feb 25, 1:34pm
Had great success with crunchy peanut butter.Use a wooden spatula, or handle end of a spoon, and put the p/b right at the back of the throat of the trap. This way, mouse has to step on trap to reach bait and booooom. And put plenty on, the smell attracts them. If its not taken in a couple of days, renew bait.

bluefrog2, Feb 25, 6:18pm
My mum once caught a mouse with bait made from wholemeal flour rolled into a small ball ball of dough. Nothing else had worked. Mum thought it must have been a field mouse and was only used to eating cereals.

With traps, a smart rat or mouse will ignore the bait unless there is absolutely nothing else around to eat. They can probably smell human scent all over the bait and trap.

kandjaja, Feb 25, 9:10pm
Vanilla essence on the bait helps.

mechnificent, Feb 25, 9:22pm
Bit of cheese toasted/melted into place so they have to chew.

pc_uncorrect, May 19, 5:41am
Had success with raspberry jam (craigs).