I have and they are a marvel. What can I say! except that these units work terrific! So good in fact that it only took 2-3 days before the process was operating at full tilt.An added bonus is the dog isn't being bothered by flies. I purchased two and have lent the other unit to my neighbour for trial and they are in the market for two. No more enduring cursed flies in the home or using toxic fly sprays
Jan 19, 2:12pm
We have had two for many years and they do work but I have to say I havent used them for a long time, I really should get them out and set them up .
Jan 19, 6:07pm
Wonderful! My property backs onto a farm, lots of those horrible big slow flies. Have placed Gordy by the fence & wahoo, bucket full of flies.
Jan 20, 12:55am
Yeah, used to have a similar type thingee years ago, but in no time at all the thing was full of flies, and then you have to deal with them - where do you dispose of a bucket (or jar) full of flies!
Jan 20, 2:05am
Standing upwind, scoop off the top layer with an old perforated scoop and leave the rest to carry on the good work. Dig a post hole, tip in gag material, top off with lime fill with soil. Or where the DT goes, out in the rubbish bag on collection day.
Jan 20, 10:24pm
I'm about to buy one so hope they're as good as every says.I'm sure they are.
Jan 21, 11:42pm
how do they work and where do you buy them from!
Jan 22, 5:20am
I bought one some years ago but the last couple of years I've had great success with home-made ones made from a couple of 1.5 litre soft drink bottles. Haven't bothered with the Gordys one since.
Jan 24, 2:09pm
Do a search on TM for Gordys Fly Trap. Mine are still going strong. There is a definite large reduction in the fly population! Now, after a week, we are lucky(!) if we find 3 or 4 in the house.
Feb 6, 7:03am
I know the ones you speak of; cut the top cone, water and liver(etc) into the base then invert the top into the base and tape. We used to use them a few decades back. They work but are a bugger if knocked as they are not too stable. I prefer Gordys andthe 10 litre pail for a number of reasons. Volume of catch, a longer period between "servicing", stability, longevity of the product; and at $17, if it lasts 10 years as stated it is a minimum cost. Plus you dont have to consume a truckload of diabetic-inducing soft drink to gain a bottle :-)
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