Passionfruit loaded but dying

singing1, Feb 2, 10:27am
Whats going on. My plant is really heavy with fruit but the plant is shriveling fast. Is it just short of water?

lythande1, Feb 2, 6:07pm
You're not watering it?
Post a picture.

cantabman1, Feb 2, 7:18pm
I was given a plant 3 yrs ago, but it flowered too late to get any fruit.
Because it was planted outside in soil, it started to die off with the cold nights, so i took 6 cuttings and wintered them over in pots out of the cold.
They took a long time before they rooted up with 3 dying.
Planted out last season, no fruit and little growth until late in the season.
Shifted house,and planted them again in three diff area's.
One has really grown well,and in a very hot spot with 1 flower [lol] but prob too late now for any fruit. I will cut it back in winter,and out of any frosts and will try again next year.[summary is they are bloody fussy plants]

singing1, Feb 2, 8:41pm
This plant is four years old and planted against a shipping container and is really loaded with heaps of fruit that is not quite ripe yet but the fruit is shriveling before it is ripe and falling on the ground. Really annoying eh?

gabbysnana, Feb 3, 12:39am
they need feeding apparently.

cleggyboy, Aug 2, 5:28am
They have a habit of croaking when in flower & fruit, normally 3-4 yrs.

But have a look at the base of the trunk, I lost one a few years back to slaters which ring barked it at ground level.