Dish washer problems

atlantis3, Oct 3, 2:39pm
It is a F and P model DW60CEW1. The problem is that you have to hold the start button for approx 5 to 10 seconds before the power comes on (used to be instant) also the delay start can be hard to set. The delay set can lock up and usually be set if you leave it for several minutes and try again.
The machine is only just over 3yrs and 7 months old.

fhpottery, Oct 3, 10:45pm
Oh dear, damn dishwashers. I'm so over fixing them. Got a new bosh it's so quiet I thought it wasn't working.
Sounds like you have a processor error. The service guys have lots of diagnostic tricks including forcing all operations manually in a test cycle. If you can afford it get it looked at the fault might be a simple fix.
Does it flash any lights to indicate an abnormal operation?
The Main switch should liven everything instantly, it could be faulty.
I'm a technician and have things such as ants in switches on dishwashers!

johotech, Oct 3, 11:06pm
Contact the company you purchased it from to repair it. It is certainly still covered under the CGA at less than 4 years old.

Don't let them BS you with "it's out of warranty" or try and fob you off to the manufacturer - Make sure they know that you know your rights under the CGA. It is the retailers responsibility to arrange repair, replace or refund.

The economic life (according to Consumer) for a dishwasher is 7-10 years.

atlantis3, Oct 4, 5:36pm
I phoned the retailers call centre that organises the repairs and they suggested I try and get the repair done under the CGA but said it was out of warranty but should try my luck. I then re-phone and was put through to the shop and they flatly refused to say this repair would be covered as it was out of warranty and directed me to the manufacturer.
Now if I pay for this repairs (I have to when the repairs are done) do I jeopardise my chances of disputing this claim under the CGA.

pamow69, Oct 5, 2:34am
Read Johotech post #3 again & follow what it says. Tell the shop it is their responsibility to sort it. If they want to phone the manufacturer that is up to them to do. They come and fix it at their cost. You do not pay the repair guy and have to claim it back, they pay. You have to be firm with the shop and tell them you want it sorted under the consumer guarantee act. Tell them if they don't,you will take them to the small claims tribunal at the court and get their decision. The shop knows they will not win and 9/10 times back down straight away when they see you are serious & know your rights.

tintop, Oct 5, 3:14am

and : Ring up Min of consumer affairs, tell them what happened. Tell them the name of the retailer and the name and position of the person you were dealing with.

You must give the retailer opportunity to remedy the fault. Getting someone else to fix it muddies the waters no end.

sboydnz, Oct 5, 5:20pm
What a load of twaddle. Manufacturers give a 2 years warranty for parts & service, if the appliance breaks down after that time it is the responsibility of the owner. The retailer has nothing to do with the warranty. The OP states the machine is 3yrs 7months old, under normal conditions, that's 1 load a day washing, the dishwasher has achieved just over 1300 cycles with no trouble, pretty good I'd say. You also don't know the circumstances of why the failure, excessive use maybe, malicious damage? who knows. You can quote the CGA all you want to, the manufacturer has no obligation to repair anything that's 17 months out of its warranty period. What do YOU expect life time warranties? No wonder there are no manufactures left in this country, the dishwasher has failed for some reason, goodness just get it fixed and stop trying to blame the world.

sboydnz, Oct 5, 5:32pm
You are as bad as Joho, you are in the appliance trade and should know better. The retailer has NO obligation to repair anything if its out of warranty, The Retailer DOESN'T hold the warranty anyway, the manufacturer holds the warranty, Its up to them, the manufacturer, if they want to help the lady out or not. As already posted the OP can quote the CGA all they like , the appliance has carried out its functions for over 1300 cycles with no problems. Joho states Consumer says the product should last 7-10 years I quite agree but, Consumer also says one can expect a few "repairs" over that period.

tintop, Oct 6, 3:54am
You are out of it! Read the CGA !
And perhaps try and understand it.

paix1, Oct 6, 4:16am
Hell YES! Unbelievable! !

pamow69, Oct 6, 5:14am
Instead of slagging off people on here who as you point out are in the repair trade & have dealt with these same situations many times and do know what we are talking about, go educate yourself and read the CGA. It clearly states that you must deal with the shop you bought it from and it is up to them to deal with the manufacturer if need be.

duffpot, Oct 6, 8:23am
Our LG Direct Drive Dishwasher had a total failure of the Direct Drive Motor at 3 years 6 months of domestic use by a semi retired couple. The Direct Drive motor component had a 10 year PARTS ONLY warranty. I dealt directly with LG citing the CGA and stating that they, not me, would be paying the labour component. I suggested to them that if they had put a sign on it stating that in three and a half years it would be rendered totally inoperable and cost hundred of dollars to repair, then I would not of bought it. At this stage we had already had it repaired. LG contacted the repairer and paid the labour component. Good on them, but you do need to be both firm and polite.

gsimpson, Oct 6, 12:37pm
It must be a difficult job to replace motor to cost hundreds of dollars in labour. How long did it take them?

fishb8, Oct 6, 1:49pm
I'd say that's poor.
We have an 18 y/o AEG that's NEVER broken down, at all. There's some rust starting to show on top rack and probably getting to the end of its life.

tintop, Oct 6, 3:08pm

AEG washer and dryer here, both 20 years on, and three house shifts into the bargain.

The belt on the dryer broke last year! Oh woe! lol

duffpot, Oct 6, 6:50pm
They repairs could not be done on site the dishwasher was collected and reinstalled five hours later. I never saw the account. Was initially told "about $250.00 to $300.00 incl collect and reinstall.

atlantis3, Oct 6, 10:46pm
I went into the store and the manager was out so I wrote him an email. The retailer has come to the party and is willing to help us out, so that is good news.
Thanks to everyone

tintop, Sep 9, 6:43am
Cheers Atlantis. and thanks for the update - it dies not happen often here.