My passionfruit plant is fruiting well. When should I pick them. Its my first time growing passionfruit.
Jan 11, 6:15pm
I like them when they are black and a bit wrinkled, what do you feed it, mine are not happy.
Jan 11, 6:20pm
They often fall off, pick them up then.
You can pick them when purple and smooth and they will continue to ripen but NOT if they are green.
Jan 11, 7:45pm
Im feeding mine liquid blood and bone. They seem to be growing fast so I guess Im doing it right.
Jan 11, 7:46pm
Thank you, they are stil green.
Jan 12, 12:51am
When is the best time to plant?
Jan 12, 4:43am
When I plant mine I dig a deep hole with the post holeborer and throw in a heap of fish carcasses and guts; a 2inch upstand PVC pipe, maybe 30 inches+, is placed to the side of the hole with 8 inches above level ground (the pipe has holes drilled about the lower foot or so). Then top with soil then plant the passionfruit. When the plant matures and hits the goldmine it is away with vigour. I deep water and any provide further feeding via the upstand. Sometimes foliar feeding; the plant seems to like it and this method works for me.
Jan 12, 12:43pm
Plant anytime unless you are in a frost area. Otherwise spring.
Jan 12, 3:45pm
Passion fruit love a lot of water.
Jan 12, 8:48pm
I feed mine worm tea weekly
Jan 12, 10:06pm
I always understood that they were not really ready until they fell off the vine.
Jan 12, 10:24pm
So its still ok to feed them with fruit on the vine. Mine are fruiting for the very first time!
Jan 13, 2:07am
This is the second season for us this year. Last year netted us 109 fruit from memory. this year will out do that easily. fertiliser & water well & good sunny spot did it for our plant.
Jan 13, 2:39am
yes let them fall - that is when they are ready - or if you are impatient and they are a lovely purple colour, give your vine a light shake and see if any fall. yuuuuuummmmmy!
Jan 13, 2:41am
feeding them whilst they are fruiting is definitely what they need, as this is when the plant is using most of its energy.
Jan 13, 11:47am
An old gardener told me tea bags, I also feed citrus food, this advice from mitre 10. I'm going to have a bumper crop this year, can't wait.
Jan 14, 9:35pm
My green passionfruit are wrinkling up and some have yellow spots on them. Have given then citrus fertiliser and give them plenty of water. I went to Kings Plant barn with a samlple to ask them what was wrong with them. The woman gave me about 6 reasons that could be wrong with them - she even said it could be hailstone damage - there has not been any hailstone here since winter and tried to sell me heaps of stuff. Am so disappointed.
Jan 14, 10:20pm
It may be passionvine hopper. My plant was looking great 6 to 8 weeks ago with plenty of fruit promising. Now most of that has gone and fruit is badly marked. Last year I had fruit to feed Africa but not so this year and the vine should still have a year or so of life left. Need to put in place a better spray program. Nasty little suckers.
Spray with Natures Way Copper + Sulfer. The brown spots won't affect the fruit inside, any that wrinkle and fall while green though are no good. It won't kill the vine. just spray every 2 weeks.
As for when to eat: Purple smooth passionfruit will fall, you can eat it then or leave it in the bowl to wrinkle, up to you. If impatient you can pick them when they are purple.
Jun 11, 5:19am
Had a bumper first crop last year (100+) but not looking so good this year - not sure why. Last year the fruit came quite late so still hopefull
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