We planted two plants and now they are covered in fruit.Can anyone tell me when they get ripe!We live north of Westport on the West Coast.TIA.
Apr 2, 2:00pm
The black ones go a dark purple colour and drop off. Jus make sure you weren't sold the green variety in error as they stay the same colour, but still drop off when ready.
Apr 2, 2:23pm
They ripen in summer. Yours are awfully late - are they in a north facing full sun position! They need to be. Also, don't let the vine get too tangled, it blocks sun getting in and can also cause fungal diseases. They also need a lot of water when fruiting.
Apr 2, 4:02pm
Should be changing any time now - keep the water up on them.
Apr 2, 7:03pm
They are Autumn fruit.not summer.so will change soon.
Apr 2, 7:33pm
Thank you for your answers.I find that we are always a bit behind the upper north island.For instance our feijoas are usually ready in May although not so much fruit this year as weather was atrocious when the trees were in bloom.The passionfruit are definately getting plenty of water today.Will remember to prune them back as they are getting a bit rampant.:-)
Apr 2, 8:55pm
Mine are just changing colour now.
Apr 3, 8:28pm
My two new plants have taken off finally and only just producing flowers now.
Apr 4, 2:07pm
They are a summer fruit - look when the shops start to sell them. Mine started to ripen in January, they were finished by March.
Apr 4, 2:18pm
My passionfruit are finished now. My second ( newer ) vine has flower buds forming now. I see the harvest season is actually AUTUMN, beginning late Feb and some going as late as October. The majority between March and May. I guess it depends on climate.
Apr 6, 1:55am
How many years does a plant last, should I let vines to self seed by preparing the ground andletting a passion fruit decompose into the ground.
Apr 7, 12:18am
A plant should last upto 7 years, but maybe less.some are longer.Letting one rot into the ground is great.the will grow and give you a wonderful supply of seedlings.
Apr 7, 12:28am
Mine finished fruiting 3 weeks ago. but i;m up North. If you get 3 years out of a vine i reckong you're doing well, theres so many diff diseases around nowadays and passionfruit seem to be very susceptible to them.
Apr 7, 10:33am
Yes 3 seasons was the limit on our vine - it just decided to give up the ghost so this year no passionfruit. But where I used to throw the old ones (under the vine) there are a heap of new seedlings so I`m babying them along to a size I can pot them up. I`m presuming they will need to be protected from frosts during this winter!
Apr 7, 5:26pm
If they're in a sheltered spot, you may need to do nothing. In an open spot, some frostcloth or straw around the base, plus plenty of snailbait as they chew on the stems over winter, will do the trick.
Apr 8, 5:56am
They are in a shelterd spot now so maybe I could leave them in teh ground till the spring & then dig them out. I had some shade cloth over them durin gthose long siummer days so they didnt dry out so couldt leave that there.
Apr 8, 2:29pm
Depends - if the vine is neglected, not kept open it can be more susceptible to disease.
I have always waited until the skin on the fruit shows signs of wrinkling, some folk wait until they are really wrinkled or fall off the vine (purple/black by then). Harvested too soon they are not sweet to eat and they need to be sweet, that is the only way to eat the pulp INMHO.
Apr 24, 6:19pm
Ours started ripening about a month ago and are still going strong. I class April/May as Autumn.
May 16, 3:47am
Passionfruit don't like their roots disturbed so take care if transplanting.
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