Best pink rose?

helenfs, Oct 25, 8:13pm
I need to replace a pink rose in my garden. Needs to be fragrant, good for picking, disease resistant. Ideas please for a good replacement for "sexy rexy" which died or shall I just get another the same? In the front of garden so not too big.

sally63, Oct 25, 8:20pm
Get another sexy rexy - It is beautifull!

fantail8, Oct 27, 4:43am

They have a large range of roses

stompy, Oct 27, 4:56am
Ceceill Brunner.

fantail8, Oct 27, 8:04am
oops that should be

issymae, Oct 27, 8:39am
don't plant in same spot as the one that died;

bardwell, Oct 29, 5:45am
Gertrude jekyll

bluefrog2, Oct 29, 9:20am
Aotearoa. The pink variety. It's healthier and blooms more than the "Peace" rose I planted at the same time.

ricp, Oct 29, 11:17pm
Mary Rose - it's a David Austin. Really healthy, fragrant and not too big

helenfs, Oct 30, 3:31am
Many thanks for all the suggestions ???????? I will take a list next time I go to the garden shop ????????

kclu, Nov 1, 5:05am
Very fragrant. Will scent a room as will Gertrude Jekyll mentioned above.

summersunnz, Nov 2, 10:04am
A suggestion. search online for the names posted above. it'll short-list (or make it longer!) your preferences, before looking at a garden centre, saving you time, plus probably widening your list of rose must-haves!

Also, try an online search for 'pink fragrant good for picking rose' - then click on 'images' near the top of the screen.

This is what comes up for pink fragrant good for picking rose and with 'images' selected near the top of the screen, all the photo's:

and. prepare to be charmed, there are many seriously gorgeous roses there.

summersunnz, Nov 2, 10:12am
Hi, do you know if there's a climbing Aotearoa Rose? Just looked at the flowers online, they're gorgeous, would love to have a climbing variety. thanks for your help.

summersunnz, Nov 2, 10:33am
adding to my post #12 - in the 'images' page, click on one of the photo's, then once it's open, you can click the arrow at the right, or the left, to go to the next, or last, photo - the photo's are larger and it's easier to see the detail.

I've been looking for a while now for a climbing rose, with fragrance and good for picking, repeat flowering, with the buds a deep pink on the outside, then the flower opens to soft/medium pink. a big ask!

I keep thinking it's out there somewhere - I just have to find it, and that includes searching through those images when I can. If anyone has a suggestion, I'll be happy to hear it. :-)

The Aotearoa rose posted above is gorgeous, however I can't find a climbing variety online. It would be perfect for where I have a space to grow a climbing rose, my daughter was born in 1990, when the rose commemorated NZ's 150 year anniversary.

bluefrog2, Aug 11, 1:07pm
As far as I know, there isn't a climbing variety of Aotearoa rose. It grows as a bush around 1m tall. There are pink and yellow varieties, although I've only seen the pink ones for sale in garden catalogues.