Swan Plants

cantabman1, Jan 10, 5:40pm
Where is a good place to buy Swan plants in Christchurch!

goldywing, Jan 10, 9:55pm
here in Palmy North Mitre 10 stock them.perhaps the same there

kam04, Jan 11, 3:50am
Saw a whole lot at Oderings at Yalhurst

cantabman1, Jan 11, 9:10am
Yes, i saw that they had them, but well over $4.00 each is too much to pay.

exwesty, Jan 11, 9:18am
I've been selling 5 for $7.50

You should go on a road trip.

paddypf, Jan 11, 9:18am
Warehouse Belfast (Northwood) around $2 each

survivalkiwi, Jan 11, 5:38pm
For people who are into monarchs it is really easy to get the seeds from the swan plant and grow heaps of your own. It is not a nice feeling seeing your caterpillars marching off across your patio looking for food.
I know its to late for this year.
Please grow as many as you can because in some parts of NZ the monarch is disappearing because of the Asian paper wasp.
I used to see dozens of monarch's and would breed about 100 each year. This year I have seen two.

cantabman1, Jun 6, 4:43pm
Thousands died over last winter caused by the severe frosts we had.