Lessons learned the hard way.

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bit, Jul 10, 4:24am
Ouch Last Saturday I had a plastic dog kennel on a bench and was trying to hammer the hinged metal door into place. It had to pop into place. Now the height of the bench was at the height of my family jewels. The hammer slipped.

bit, Jul 10, 7:26pm
. When welding inside the aluminium superstructure of a new ship make sure the earth lead is firmly clamped to a frame of the vessel and not just laying on the aluminium floor. While your welding may come out fine you'll wonder why there are now pits in the floor.

lew3, Jul 11, 11:04pm
Don't arrange to go to a birthday party the same day as you move house.If you do and you own two dogs, make sure the sliding door between the kitchen and the rest of the house is actually on its runners.If you don't and you have left food in any of the boxes waiting to be unpacked, you can be sure that your gannet of a female dog will find and eat 48 Weetbix and 100 dog chews.Even her iron-clad stomach couldn't handle that lot and I spent most of the night clearing up after a retching dog!

cinderellagowns, Jul 12, 11:22pm
little nudge to the top .

skin1235, Jul 14, 8:43pm
time to save this thread for prosperity

bradfam, Jul 14, 11:57pm
and bump again too good to lose!found loitering near the bottom of page two!

marte, Jul 15, 10:10pm
When replacing a hanging lightbulb fitting Don't think you can do it 'Live'. Don't stand on a little stool while doing it. Don't have the light bulb up above your face. Because you are not dumb enough to get a electric shock, won't mean that you get the fitting off, then forget about the power & pull the top cap down the wire & off.then the wires touch each other & you get a blinding "FLASH" that blows you back, off the stool & to the floor. Then you turn off the power (!) refit the new socket, fit the bulb, when still on the stool you get someone to check the light by turning it on. Thinking you are now getting another "FLASH" & fall off the stool again.

s.patete, Jul 19, 4:25am
hahaha This is the best thread ever, back to the top.

bit, Jul 19, 6:07am
Woohoo Marte that's a good one.

urbanrefugee54, Jul 20, 5:35am
this thread. has taken me ages to read through. ex read 'in a book' that we could put newspaper & sawdust down in the room sized front rose garden between concrete paths & the house. what he didn't account for was the ferocity of a Oxford norwester, spreading the sawdust across the rest of the lawn. or that the chickens would get in there & rip the now moldy wet newspaper to shreds. took years to get the lawn back.

sooby, Jul 21, 8:02pm
don't let the cat sit on you while you build & light the logburner as shooting embers always seem to find her furr & on realizing she is smoldering she'll sprint off you digging her claws into you on the way!

pc_nut, Jul 22, 11:09am
bump i've saved this thread as a favourite

smokinjo, Jul 22, 5:10pm
when changing oil in the car DO NOTkeep pouring oil into engine till you can see it through the oil filler hole.
(I wondered why the guy bought 3 x 4 litre oil packs to change the oil in a mazda 323)
The resulting smoke cloud and weird engine noises were truly awe inspiring.

denotsur, Jul 23, 6:41pm
DO NOT ! check a dolphin torch battery 9volt! to see if it is flat by putting your tongue across the terminals . YEEEEEEOUCH!

jennyp2, Jul 24, 10:56pm
getting close to the bottom. up she goes's!

sue193, Jul 25, 2:22am
jennyp2, I did that. I'd washed my sprayer out so well(about 10 washes) after using round up. I made an organic spray up for bugs and I anhilated my entire vegetable garden. I was devastated.

daisydreams, Jul 25, 8:03pm
when you hear a strange hissing noise coming from behind your washing machine you should investigate immediately and not keep thinking "strange noise", especially when you know a rat is trying to make a home in your wall. Otherwise when you finally get round to looking you might notice chew holes in hot and cold pipes, flooded floors - laundry, bedrooms and gib both sides of wall need replacing !

daisydreams, Jul 25, 8:08pm
You should also check your insurance policy as some do not cover you for rodents! We will be changing our policy but looking on the bright side, thank goodness the rat only bit through the water pipes and not the power, where the house could of burnt down and insurance would not pay.

angel21_01, Jul 25, 8:21pm
this is fantastic it really is only funny when its not happening to you

wimwam1, Jul 26, 12:41am
if you have had a few too many drinks. .really feel like another, but all you have in the house is a cheap, horrible bottle of wine, don't think that putting it in the soda stream to make it fizzy will make it taste better - it just makes one hell of a sticky mess!

non, Jul 26, 1:20am
Heres one for you hubby proudly finishing off a false wall (to hide water piping) in the bathroom .PLEASE remember where the studs are BEFORE driving the nails home.Nails v water pipes is not a good look (especially pressured water!)

alan581, Jul 26, 1:52am
DO NOT attempt to super glue any thing while leaning over the lounge suite. It is very easy to accidentally tip the bottle over, pouring super glue all over the expensive, light brown sofa. Its near impossible to get off, and leaves a very noticeable dark brown, hard stain! Wife wasn't happy lol!

bergkamp, Jul 26, 2:46am
be careful . when using a brad gun to nail off skirting around a cavity slider !

fhpottery, Jul 26, 5:30pm
Tree felling. .had a correctly prepared tree ready to drop (HUGE ONE) and even tentioned it with my ute using a tow rope. It did a big twist on the stump, fell the wrong way and demolished my Farm shed! .and the fence. I felt like a right pillock.

maxi090605, Jul 27, 3:05am
. i learned that even though its winter you should not leave a paint tape sticking for weeks after a paint job. The result were really ugly windows with adhesives that can't be remove easily, now i'm buying a motor oil to remove the sticky stuff.