Paint smell

freebutterflies, Nov 27, 3:49am
What paint is guaranteed to have no smell? Ive just had some painting done and the guy told me it had no smell, but its just about knocking me out! I still have more work to have done but ill supply the odour free paint if you can tell me which brand? Thanks

maddie44, Nov 27, 4:30am
Can't help you with paint but have you tried using nil odor to neutralise the smell?

marte, Nov 27, 5:11am
You can buy a little packet of something at the paint shop, that kills the paint odour.
You mix it in with the paint before using it.

coralsnake, Nov 27, 5:30am
If there is paint smell, cut an onion in half and place it near the paint work.

freebutterflies, Nov 27, 5:36am
Thanks for that. When I was overseas there was paint called Breathe Easy with no smell at all. Id like to find something like that here.

golfdiver, Nov 27, 11:01am
I'd rather deal with paint odour for a day or two and know I had quality rather than no smell but liquid chalk going on my walls

freebutterflies, Nov 27, 5:25pm
I understand now, having spoken to resene, that its the formaldehyde in the paint. Something ive reacted to badly before. seems as if its in all paints. maybe ill wallpaper instead!

emmbee, Nov 27, 5:35pm
They say a bowl or two of milk placed around absorbs the smell? The smell dosn't last long anyway!

jdeere8130, Nov 28, 2:21am
It may be just me but I find PPG Endure paint virtually odourless and a good paint to apply. Painted our bedroom and we couldn't smell it that night. You can buy it at Bunnings.

apollo11, Nov 28, 1:56pm
Resene paint does have a stronger smell than most, we chose Dulux for inside because it didn't smell so bad.

jenny188, Jul 18, 1:17pm
oil based paints have a smell as the solvents evaporate off. They skin,then harden more than (most) plastic paints. It makes them more durable for washing and scrubbing walls, kitchen, bathroom etc. Now days they make water based enamels which wear closely to the oil based equivalents with a lot softer odour. Each type has a smell peculiar to itself, eg latex bases against acrylic. .