Power from the Earth

mcgolly, Mar 15, 2:19pm
I've been getting offers over the net to install power from the earth from a U S company. Has anyone got any information about this? TIA

tygertung, Mar 15, 2:23pm
The only legitimate way to get power from the earth is geothermal, and it isn't something you'd have at home. It sounds very much like a scam.

apollo11, Mar 15, 2:25pm

harm_less, Mar 15, 5:50pm
How A Ground Source Heat Pump Works

tygertung, Mar 15, 6:02pm
Yes, but that is pumping heat, not generating electricity.

Ground source heat pumps are for real, but home scale geothermal, not really I shouldn't have thought. You might theoretically be able to generate electricity in an area such as Rotorua, but it would be pretty dangerous.

nzshooter01, Mar 15, 8:01pm
It will be a scam
Isnt there some theory, maybe from tesla? About magnetic waves in the earth? As a source of electric energy

tygertung, Mar 15, 8:52pm
No, Tesla wanted to develop wireless electricity transmission. However it was too inefficient. His theories were used for wireless radio transmission however.

The earth's magnetic field is too weak to generate electricity, and even if it was strong enough, it wouldn't work as the magnetic field needs to change polarity for electricity generation.

tygertung, Mar 15, 9:46pm

See here for more info about Tesla's ideas.

trade4us2, Mar 15, 10:30pm
Electric Power from the Earth’s Magnetic Field
"A cylinder 20 cm long and 2 cm across would generate tens of nanowatts at tens of microvolts."

You would have difficulty measuring such a small amount of power.

lythande1, Mar 16, 8:28am
haha, and the Nigerians have money for you too.

ira78, Mar 16, 10:00am
Yup. You can get a bit more from things like radio waves. Harvest power from changes atmospheric pressure as weather changes, differences in temperature over a day. There are a tons of different sources of "Free" energy.

And of those, there are about 3 that get you any more than nanowatts. Enough to run a clock if you're lucky.

trade4us2, Mar 16, 2:27pm

tegretol, Mar 16, 9:09pm
Send me some Eastern Union currency and I'll tell you how it's done. The password for the transaction will be 'easymon1e'.

bill1451, Mar 16, 10:04pm
Nikolai Tesla and many others like him had ideas like this, BUT,BUT, these will
never happen until the world runs out of oil, geo thermal power, and anything else that wont last forever, like wind and solar. There are numerous cases of good men with good ideas that have died in suspicious circumstances AND all
their research work dissappears along with them.All to do with how much money the oil barons can extract from the peasant population. "the peasants are revolting sire" "Oh I wondered what that smell was"

tygertung, Aug 10, 11:12am
Tesla had ideas about power generation using AC generators which are used now. He also had ideas about wireless electricity transmission, but we just use power lines as it is much easier and more efficient.

He didn't have any mysterious ideas about harvesting magical engergy.