De-runging ladder fern

juli55, Oct 26, 9:31am
How do I get rid of this. It's taking over the front lawn and has even got into the footpath.

ro42, Oct 26, 5:57pm
sounds like a bit of hard work, but easy enough to do.

lythande1, Oct 26, 6:54pm
Easy, like they say, pull it out and spray with the stuff they recommend - if you ring your council or weedbusters they will give you some of the herbicide.

maclad, Aug 19, 4:58pm
I have killed heaps and heaps of ladder fern with repeated sprays of Roundup. It does work but takes time. Otherwise you need to manually remove it as it has wee round balls/bulbs underground and each and everyone will grow if left there. Be persistent and keep on to it whenever it appears, it is not such a biggie then.