Wet and Forget.

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freesia, Apr 27, 3:19am
Does it work?

diddi1, Apr 27, 3:24am
It does exactly the same job as the "Spray and Walk Away" product but costs three times as much.

tweake, Apr 27, 3:27am
and you can go buy the commercial version for 1/10th the price.

cantabman1, Apr 27, 3:08pm
W & F is a long slow acting product, lasting up to a year.
Bleach, or 30 seconds kills what it hits, but has no residual effect and can kill plants, moss and moulds will come back quiet soon.
What you are correct about, is there are products available at half the cost that are of a simular chemical makeup.Try Google for Moss n Mould kill .

golfdiver, Apr 27, 4:35pm
I manufacture and apply the same chemical as Wet and Forget. It works very well but takes time snd needs exposure to the elements. Spray and Walk away is the catch phrase of 30 Seconds. They sell both a sodium hypo version and a slow release quat version the same as wet and forget.

wron, Apr 28, 5:41am
golf, is your product ever sold here?
What's the name of an anti mould product which I think comes from Te Puke?

golfdiver, Apr 28, 1:51pm

cantabman1, Apr 28, 2:03pm
cantabman1 wrote:

W & F is a long slow acting product, lasting up to a year.
Bleach, or 30 seconds kills what it hits, but has no residual effect and can kill plants, moss and moulds will come back quiet soon.
What you are correct about, is there are products available at half the cost that are of a simular chemical makeup.
"Try Google for Moss n Mould kill ".for he best price!

rusty-bones, Apr 28, 3:22pm
Wrong also, I have used bleach for years, no harm whats so ever to plants and moss and mould does not come back quickly. I think Wet and Forget is way over priced.

maccachic1, Apr 28, 8:51pm
Bleach doesn't kill mould it simply bleaches it.

rusty-bones, Apr 28, 9:19pm
Not when you scrubbing it at the same time. Using Wet and Forgrt doesnt make it go away for ever either.

cantabman1, Apr 29, 12:14am
Agree about W & F, but you really don't know what you are talking about with bleach, as it will and does kill plants. I am in the commercial chemical business, and Sodium Hypercloride [bleach] will kill plants all day long.

rusty-bones, Apr 29, 1:06am
It may do I am sure, if you pour it straight onto a plant, so does water. But you scrub with it and then it's hosed down, so it's diluted heaps by then and it's fine. Have been doing this for years and know heaps that do. Way cheaper, it cost 98c a bottle sometimes.

paix1, Apr 29, 1:55am
. hell! Who knew? Strange that ALL the plants in my garden are in fact HELPED by water, it sure doesn't kill them! You are NOT serious surely? And cantabman is correct - bleach sure as hell WILL kill plants! (retired scientist here)

rusty-bones, Apr 29, 2:00am
paix1 wrote:
. hell! Who knew? Strange that ALL the plants in my garden are in fact HELPED by water, it sure doesn't kill them! You are NOT serious surely? And cantabman is correct - bleach sure as hell WILL kill plants! (retired scientist here)[/quot

Of corse it will, but your not pouring it straight onto plants are you? Who would? I'm telling you I have done this for over 20 years and so does a lot of other people. What do you think they did before wet and forget came out?

frank1, Apr 29, 5:30am
Seems a lot here have different ideas,have used SIMPLE GREEN,I think its called,absolute waste of money--but hey its friendly to the enviroment,never mind, it suits the greenys.
Was sprayed on a Monier tile roof,and no not scrubbed in.-Did not work

golfdiver, Apr 29, 2:50pm
Pretty much all these products will work. You do need to get the surface running wet however. I normally use about 130 litres on a roof and given your 5 litre Wet and Forget dilutes to 30 litres and costs about $99 it surely pays to get in the pros. Plus you get it done again for free if iut doesn't work. In 25 years I have had to do 1 again and that was because we got a thunderstorm out of nowhere in the middle of summer about 20 minutes after it was done.

wron, May 20, 5:57am
I can't find a product called Banish here or on Google? (Post #7)

cantabman1, May 20, 8:54am
This subject has been thrashed to death, click to the left of your page for earlier comments please.

mrfxit, May 20, 3:16pm
LMFAO . here we go again.

All health agencys suggest to use bleach for killing bugs as a cheap alternative to classic disinfectants.
Bleach was in 99% of mould killing products until recently because it's very effective.
It was removed & another chemical type substituted, from the more expensive products for several reasons including skin & clothing damage.

Raw bleach will rot clothing & damage paint, (slow on paint but does happen).
Choline burns skin & is the basis for what we call bleach.

maccachic1, May 20, 10:25pm
Ineffective on porous surfaces - which most surfaces are.

fhpottery, May 21, 12:11am
As a kid I thought I was helping my parents by scrubbing the driveway with concentrated pool chlorine in a slurry. (yes I know no health and safety back in the seventies! ) It not only cleaned the drive, but the gutters all the way down the street, killed all mums garden, the lawn, and every worm within a mile. Now thats 'wet and never forget' I got a fair bollocking!

justme27, May 21, 2:41am
So what is the best treatment please for newish concrete which has a couple of stains from potted plants where water has run through the potting soil and onto the concrete leaving stain marks? Suggestions gratefully received - we have tried hosing the marks off .

rainrain1, May 21, 2:46pm
Wet and Forget is good for cleaning concrete, but useless for moss

golfdiver, May 21, 3:16pm
Absolute rubbish. It kills moss easily. In fact if you get the balance correct you can spray bowling greens with Quat (the active ingredient in W & f) and kill the moss but not the grass.