Wet and Forget.

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golfdiver, May 21, 3:18pm
I don't sell it on here, I probably should but never have enough hours in the day as it is. I tend to sell it to my existing clients and a few "in-trade" customers.

pauldw, May 21, 4:02pm
I've been throwing what's left in the bucket after floor cleaning with cheap disinfectant on the paths. Even quite diluted it is still killing the moss.

kateley, May 21, 4:41pm
If you've just got small bits of moss (between pavers for instance) boiling water works well. I have a wander with the kettle while my tea is drawing and pour the remaining water on moss and weeds. Yes, they come back but it's quite a pleasant job

rainrain1, May 21, 6:53pm
Not rubbish at all, it doesn't kill it for long enough, I just turn around and it's green again.

rainrain1, May 21, 6:54pm
I might try that one, but it will take me a very long while

golfdiver, May 21, 7:25pm
It kills it and it is dead. If it recovers then you haven't got the mix right or you didn't put enough on. Dead moss in a paver crack is a great place for new moss spores to land and grow. If you want it permanent you will need to ground sterilise or perhaps some nuclear waste?

rainrain1, May 22, 2:33pm
Okay then, lets say I have the right mix. so how long should it kill for? How often should I have to spray the same area? Once, twice, thrice a year? Do you sell the stuff yourself?

franken1, May 22, 2:39pm
It'll kill moss for as long as the active ingredients are present. If the rain washes it away. guess what.

rainrain1, May 22, 3:25pm
And that's the very reason it is hopeless for moss in my neck of the woods

kerrybluex2, May 28, 12:31am
Have used Wet & Forget on our roof and driveway. Does an excellent job. At the end of the day you get what you pay for

cantabman1, May 28, 12:35am
And you are paying twice the price you can buy it for anywhere else for exactly the same product;
It is all in their advertising costs! hour after hour ,day after day on all the radio stations, still a fool and his money are soon parted.

golfdiver, May 29, 4:29am
3 times the price is more like it

kernal1, Dec 28, 10:55am
Epson Salts ( pkt) and about 4 lts Vinegar! Used to clean moss/weeds between brick pavers at least 6 months ago and still no sign of further growth! Trial and error to mix but found heating vinegar to dissolve Epson's salts easiest! Some took awhile to 'die' but finally just needed a brush over to get rid of dead parts! Cheap as.