Limes & lemons

gunnab1, Apr 17, 8:23am
whats the difference ?

nzshooter01, Apr 17, 8:39am
Limes are more acidic i believe?

wasgonna, Apr 17, 9:20am
Limes are green when ripe, lemons are yellow.

schnauzer11, Apr 17, 10:29am
They each have a very different aroma.

smyrnia, Apr 17, 5:03pm
Different species of tree

coralsnake, Apr 18, 1:44am
Sweet limes might be mistaken for lemons since they are yellow when ripe and ready to use. . Limes are yellow when they are fully ripe and develop sugars that make them delicious at this stage. They are not sold when yellow because unripe fruit is easier to ship since it is harder, and stores longer when unripe. - Google.

lythande1, Apr 18, 7:49am
Different flavour. It's like saying whats the difference between a mandarin and orange or orange and tangelo.

socram, Apr 18, 10:37am
Do a blind taste.

As coralsnake says, our limes are yellow when ripe.

voyager4, Apr 22, 12:43pm
There are different varieties of lemons, same for limes, and all other fruit. Skins are different colours, textures, etc.

mrsvonflik, Apr 22, 1:55pm
How can you tell if a lime is ripe.
Mine are kaffir lime and grapefruit shape with unusual skin.

catbrat, Apr 22, 2:53pm
i saw the warehouse have a grafted tree that is lemon and lime =so you can= grow both on 1 tree, would be lovely in a pot on a courtyard or small yard

harm_less, Apr 22, 3:20pm
There are many different varieties of both lemons and limes. This website gives a good listing of those citrus varieties available in NZ

Also worth noting that Meyer isn't regarded as a 'true' lemon by many of our export markets as it isn't sour enough and is actually a citron and a mandarin/pomelo hybrid.

coralsnake, Apr 22, 10:18pm
And the reason why using Meyers in lemon meringue pie often never sets.

lakeview3, Apr 22, 10:59pm
I didn’t know that about Meyer! Anyway I don’t care, I love them so much I have 2!

crazynana, Apr 23, 12:25pm
lakeview3. I am with you there. We planted a meyer tree about 8 or 9 years ago, then we had snow when it was about half a metre tall. When the snow had gone parts of it were dead so I cut all the dead looking stuff off as I decided it was either going to make it or not. Well it is now about two and a half metres tall and about three metres wide. At the moment it has flowers, tiny lemons, larger green lemons and about 130 ripe lemons. I make lemon curd a lot and also slice them, place the free flow frozen slices in ziplock bags and they are all sitting ready for my G & T.

lakeview3, Jul 31, 8:42am
I just picked one this morning as large as a softball! Making lemon chicken for dinner tonight. Great for lemon and honey drinks also for winter.