Diatomaceous Earth

lakeview3, Feb 15, 5:29pm
Anyone used the stuff? plenty of it a available on here. We have had a few too many roaches this year and was thinking of trying this stuff. Maybe sprinkle on the dirt on the gardens outside the windows?

What are your experiences?

lakeview3, Feb 15, 5:40pm
Will it work for ants? 🤔

marte, Feb 15, 8:50pm
Put a ring of shaving cream around the base of picnic tables legs to stop Ants from climbing them.

lakeview3, Feb 15, 9:14pm
we don’t have that problem but thanks I will remember that one!

hezwez, Feb 15, 11:22pm
Found this, it does mention it can be used outside. Are you talking about the native (Gisborne) cockroaches or the other sort?

starseeker, Feb 16, 7:09pm
What about pets if you are sprinkling it on carpets etc?

And don't forget toddlers or babies at the crawling stage? I'd be very careful with this

lakeview3, Feb 16, 10:03pm
those big black/dark brown ones! And a few of the others. We have even found a few baby ones.

I got some mail in the other day and there was even one in our letterbox 😂


lakeview3, Feb 16, 10:06pm
not sprinkling on the carpet. only got a few tame thrushes but I wouldn’t be spreading on the lawn or anything. Was thinking of the garden under the windows.

Don’t people use this stuff on their pets as well? is that what the old flea powder was?

mazalinas, Feb 16, 10:09pm
Just fly spray them. They can't handle the tiniest bit of it.

lakeview3, Feb 16, 10:34pm
that’s if I see them. I want to stop them from coming near the house.

beebb3, Aug 17, 11:49am
This is a natural product. People eat it, mix alittle in their food. It can be given to animals mixed in their food, very good apparently, certain minerals etc. I myself use it as a mite powder on my chookies, its recommended for this actual purpose. It apparently gets into the scales, airways of the mite and blocks oxygen and they dry up within couple days. Also used in hen houses on perches, next boxes etc, so am sure will be great for what you intend, those insects. I puff mine on, via a plastic sauce bottle from the $2 shop, with a long nozzle that turns to open or close, good old tom sauce bottle really. Its perfect for applying amongst feathers etc for me. But there are different types, and the best one is put out by. Denz. google it, its a good read.