Flymo Mowers

rhubarb57, Oct 26, 5:02pm
Just looking for advice on flymo mowers have a small amount of lawn and am a retired lady are they any good

flyspray99, Oct 26, 6:18pm
They dont cut low enough.
If you have a small lawn just get a push mower but make sure the blade can be lowered s you dont need to mow every few days.

tweake, Oct 26, 6:37pm
their mow height is fine, kiwis just like mowing dirt. they have a few height adjustments but its a pain to do.
biggest problem is they do not like matt type grasses like Kikuyu.

m16d, Oct 26, 8:25pm
They are really just mowers without wheels. can only use them on flat ground, or gravity takes over. they only mulch because there's no way to put a catcher on.
useless as a one legged man in an arse kicking competition.

rua69, Oct 26, 9:44pm
If you're ok with cords just get an electric normal mower. I have one. It cuts really well and is nice and light to push and lift.

oh_hunnihunni, Oct 26, 10:12pm
Loved mine.

tygertung, Oct 27, 6:08am
I never use a catcher because I think it is better to leave the nutrients on the lawn.

jan2242, Oct 27, 10:37am
Borrowed a flymo (electirc corded) till I could get a new mower. Large lawn here, plus sloping, plus kikuya. It was brilliant. Super light and did a great job

shanreagh, Oct 27, 2:17pm
I used my Flymo on an undulating beach section 1/4 acre and it was fine with Kikuyu. I loved it becasue of not having to have petrol/oil on hand and it was so light and manoeuvrable .

For a very small section though I would get a weedeater or the latest hand mower. These hand mowers are very good for flat areas.

rhubarb57, Oct 27, 3:49pm
Thanks everyone will toss up with a electric mower or flymo

eljayv, Sep 16, 8:16am
I used one for years when my now adult children were small and I loved it. Lawn looked same as when I’d previously struggled around with my petrol Victa. It still hangs in garage and up until a couple years ago I used it occasionally when rain had made the “lawn” too wet and muddy to use heavy mower as flymo just sort of floates above the surface.