What are these?

susievb, Oct 31, 6:01pm
I got given a box of mainly nuts, bolts, and screws. There are afew bits I have no idea what they are as in:
https://trademe.tmcdn.co.nz/photoserver/full/1426962955.jpg and https://trademe.tmcdn.co.nz/photoserver/full/1426962769.jpg
these look like bolts or screws with the heads chopped off but smooth and the colour the same so no signs off being cut off.

omamari, Oct 31, 7:04pm
The 1st photo looks like some one has adapted a bolt by cutting the head off and making a hook.
The 2nd photo the object on the left is a lag screw, screw the coarse thread into timber and then bolt something such as a hand basin to the wall. Buggered if I know what the other screws are

nzmax, Oct 31, 7:21pm
First one: possibly for battery hold down bracket? Look a bit heavy duty though. Could also be hold down bolts that the hooked end gets embedded in concrete?

Second one: the 5 on the right look like anchor studs, usually glued in to concrete on threaded end. Used to hold down brackets and the likes.

Just my thoughts.

m16d, Oct 31, 7:42pm
"J" bolts.

kandjaja, Oct 31, 8:45pm
#1 are bottom spring hooks for a tilt door.

susievb, Sep 13, 5:06pm
Thanks, they are of no use to me but nice to identify them