Hateful alstromerias

fendie, Oct 3, 9:20pm
I hate them, they are taking over ! how oh how can I deal with them ? they are tangled up with all sorts of other plants, I would like to poison them but think I would be killing half my garden. Oh how I hate them. Help !

lilyfield, Oct 3, 9:44pm
pull them out ,as I did, one by one.
Thankfully I realized their behavior in time.

Pretty flowers though.

lythande1, Oct 4, 8:29am
Yep. I had them at one house, dug down and the matted roots went for miles, never could get rid of them all.

oh_hunnihunni, Oct 4, 8:56am
Persistence. It isn't their fault, they are just doing what they do, breeding.

Just curse the one who planted them!

fendie, Oct 9, 10:54am
Is there a poison I could paint on their leaves ? I can't spay them, as in middle of more desirable plants. I would happily spend hours carefully painting the leaves if I could get rid of them.

hazelnut2, Oct 10, 8:44am
You can give them a headache by CUTTING them back. I once read that the flowers should never be cut to pick them as it reduces blooms and I thought "that's a blardy good idea!'.

Try cutting them one at a time at ground level then immediately dabbing each cut surface with neat glyphosate (roundup)

The very best way is digging those horrible ugly grub-like tubers out. you'll have buckets full of them!

oh_hunnihunni, Oct 10, 8:57am
I pull them out as I see them, tubers and tops, into a plastic bag, and into the household rubbish. Most of the plants in my tiny patch are from windblown seed so picking the flowers is a good way to cut that seed dispersal down.

tegretol, Oct 10, 10:08am
Cut the tops off a few and immerse them in 25% Banvine. They'll soak it back to the root base and that's it.

fendie, Oct 12, 6:15pm
I have written Banvine on my shopping list , will let you know how I get on. many thanks

lakeview3, Sep 21, 3:52am
Woody weed killer painted on the leaves.

It travels to every part of the plant and kills it.