Liverwort. how do i kill it

steveo351, Sep 18, 8:53am
its growing up through gravel and on top of dirt, its everywhere. ive tried a roundup LIVERWORT killer and it did nothing.
please help if you have sucssesfully killed it.


tourer100, Sep 18, 9:33am
Try salt, put directly on, or boiling water.

dibble35, Sep 18, 11:22am
Baking soda as it's very alkaline and they dont like alkaline conditions, gravel would be OK, i'd avoid putting it on the soil around other plants though. We use this at work.

skyedog, Sep 18, 1:35pm
Agree with baking soda, works well

wheelz, Sep 19, 3:31am
Vinegar works too

hazelnut2, Sep 19, 4:15am
Yep baking soda user here. Turns it into a brown slimey mess though!

steveo351, Sep 19, 5:41am
looks like im buying some baking soda

hazelnut2, Sep 21, 3:17am
Pak n Save sells it in 500gr tubs for 1.99.

golfdiver, Sep 21, 12:44pm
I spray it with mosskiller. Destroys it