Help please with shifting daphne bushes.

flowers35, Apr 7, 11:57am
can anyone give me some advice on moving 2 daphne bushes.i'm moving house and would like to take the schrubs with me.they aren't very big.thank you.

dibble35, Apr 7, 4:16pm
Water them really well few days before you dig them out. Dig out as big a root ball as you can. Plant them ASAP after in a similar situation.

maclad, Apr 7, 5:22pm
They do not shift unless very recently planted, even then I would not risk it. They are also prone to a root rot and cutting the roots makes them more susceptible. You will just have to get new ones, sorry, but they should be in the shops very soon.

jenny188, Apr 7, 9:35pm
if you want to try I suggest that the best time is about 2 months after flowering while they are in a semi dormant stage (resting) but as above they don't like being moved and often die. Can be very tempermentat things.

flowers35, Apr 8, 8:41am
thank you for your comments.i think i might have to leave them for the new house owners.

perfectimages, Apr 8, 9:49am
With care they can be grown from cuttings, contact the Horticultural Society for an address of your local garden club . I am sure that the members of the club will be very free with advice for you.

gilligee, Apr 8, 7:12pm
Don't they actually belong to the new owners?
Respectfully said of course?

skin1235, Apr 8, 8:57pm
they will happily aerial root, split the bark and a small sliver of wood on the underside of a lower branch and smear some rooting hormone on the cuts, wrap a good handful of a wet peaty compost around the cut and wrap that in gladwrap, within a few weeks you'll see new roots against the gladwrap, cut off from the parent plant and very carefully remove the gladwrap as you plant the new cutting in its desired spot

As to those who believe they do not transplant well - how did you plant them when you first got them, from the pot to the garden from the nursery?

skin1235, Apr 8, 9:02pm
you'd think so eh, yet I've had owners remove every light bulb as they sell - according to them they paid for them so they are allowed to take them, toilet roll holders screwed to the walls, cupboard door handles, you name it, some will take them, even had one guy tear up 8 mts of new concrete path, though whatever was he going to do with two trailer loads of broken concrete still has me wondering

flowers35, Apr 9, 9:10am
gilligee,i rent the house and the shrubs were a gift to hasn't been advertised on the market yet.

brightlights60, Nov 28, 8:18am
I wouldn't move them either. I have 20 odd years of garden wrapped up in memories here, but what I have done in the past is taken a small cutting of plants, well before I moved and taken that with me. Done it for 3 homes in total. Google how to do it, and it will be fine. I would take a few cuttings, one at least will strike.