Anyone know what

rainrain1, Dec 6, 5:55pm
this might be, it is a vine of some sort found in my garden?

maclad, Dec 6, 6:10pm
Initally I would say it is perhaps a Coprosma.

blans, Dec 6, 6:47pm
Coprosma looking but thats not a climber

maclad, Dec 6, 6:54pm
No, they do not climb but to the inexperienced person an untamed Coprosma can grow upwards through trees giving the appearance of climbing.

rainrain1, Dec 6, 7:12pm
I know what it is. very excited to discover it!

maclad, Dec 6, 7:36pm
So enlighten please. Love garden surprises

rainrain1, Dec 6, 8:55pm
I am pretty sure it is Mistletoe :)

oh_hunnihunni, Dec 6, 9:07pm
If it is, tracing the stem back should help ID it, mistletoe being a parasitic plant rather than a climber.

shanreagh, Dec 6, 9:14pm
To me it looks a little like Cape Ivy.

See the 8th picture on this site.

Cape Ivy is a scrambler and is just awful.

Hopefully it is mistletoe otherwise you will have a job ahead to get rid of it.

rainrain1, Dec 7, 6:55am
It's not Cape ivy, so I think I'll stick with the Mistletoe. it's growing in a fork in the tree, just a baby yet, but hopefully it will look like this one day.
This one is just up the road a bit from here, taken last year

annies3, Jan 30, 10:56pm
Looks like it alright ! you lucky thing, and thats how they love to grow.